Why the Tribe thrives: the physics of network synchronization inside The Freelance Movement Tribe (Part 2)
Taste two more spoonfuls of tea spilled about this thriving community called the TFMT.

Why the Tribe thrives: the physics of network synchronization inside The Freelance Movement Tribe (Part 2)

When a complex netwowrk refuses to stay stagnant and seeks to evolve continually instead, it grows in quality and robustness quite sustainably.        

Last week, we looked closely at one thriving community called The Freelance Movement Tribe (TFMT) through an unusual lens—the lens of Physics.

We then discovered how decentralization was key to their network synchronicity.

Today, we continue to dive deep.

Read on as we unpack two more secrets as to why this particular group of freelancers lives on.

If you haven't yet, see Part 1 of this piece to get the basics of "networks," "synchronization," and "decentralization."

Renewable power generation is key

I invite you, dear reader, to think of the Tribe as an electrical network or "power grid."

Inside the Tribe, you'll see both experts and newbies.

Experts are mostly older Tribe members.

(And I mean, older based on when they came to the Tribe. Not really in terms of biological age. Haha.)

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Now, these people—these experts—are like power generators.

They supply "power" in the form of knowledge and guidance to newer members.

Meanwhile, newbies are like power consumers.

They consume the lessons, they ask many questions, they seek mentorship.

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Fast forward to a few months.

Many of these newbie freelancers would likely have learned enough—enough to land them their own premium clients.

Because of the process they'd gone through, these newbies would now become new experts.

Now, it's their turn to give back.

It's their time to share how they were able to do it.

In some sense, these new experts become power generators themselves.

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And when members—nodes—in a network can be both a generator and a consumer, that network is essentially a smart grid.

And smart grids, like The Freelance Movement Tribe, are quite sustainable.


What happens to older experts?

Seeing there are now new experts who could fill the teaching role...

Should not the older experts leave the Tribe?

They already know the best freelancing strategies ever...

Should they not cut their links with the TFMT and do business on their own?

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No, not so fast.

As it turns out...

Something other than the role of power generation is keeping the older members inside.

You see...

John Pagulayan—famously called JTL as in "John the Legend"—has quite the knack for evolution.

For growth.

And I don't mean just by the numbers.

JTL, the Founder, holds a big dream for this Tribe.

And it's not just about helping members close premium deals.

It's also about transforming their entire quality of life.

And that's why...

Expert generators will consume some more

JTL, being the very first generator himself, is actually also a consumer in another higher-level network where he belongs.

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In fact, it's precisely because he continues to consume knowledge, resources, and growth strategies...

That JTL is able to give more—

Especially to older Tribe generators.

JTL always seeks to advance. To evolve.

To take in some more precisely so he could give away some more.

And I'm not at all surprised because...

That constant flow of taking in and giving away

That's exactly the nature of renewable energy sources.

Finite sources vs renewable sources

Finite or nonrenewable sources of energy, such as fossil fuels, coal, and natural gas, aren't sustainable.

Humans, consumers, continue to draw energy from these sources.

And our energy demands have been rapidly growing.

Unfortunately, finite sources take eons to form new supplies.

They could not cope.

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Meanwhile, renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, and hydropower, replenish naturally.

As for JTL and all the other Tribe experts who are now in sync with his mindset—

You could think of them as renewable energy generators.

They seek to fill themselves with fresh knowledge...

Or at least new angles and perspectives...

So they never run out...

And so they're ever ready when Tribe consumers eventually become new generators...

And also when older Tribe generators become higher-level consumers.

It's the one sweet secret to why the Tribe retains many of its top generators.

They don't leave the network because they just absolutely love it.

They continue getting value from it.

As such, as to the question of why the Tribe thrives...

Renewable power generation has always been one big key.

Okay, but how about those who don't want to grow that much anymore?

Why are they sticking to the Tribe anyway?

A strong coupling strength is another key

While some older Tribe generators have had it all—

And I mean probably everything they had ever wanted to achieve—

They still continue linking themselves to the Tribe.

They haven't cut the ties.

And why so?

One answer is what you'd call coupling strength.

It's basically the link strength.

That is, the strength of the bond one node has formed with another node.

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If you look deeper into what's happening inside many subnetworks inside the Tribe...

You could call them ACs, where AC stands for "Accountability Call"—

So, ACs are essentially Accountability Call groups—

These groups behave like families already.

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So, while external factors might try to break the TFMT bond...

The Tribe as a network remains robust.

The nodes, the members of this community, have not only had their freelancing power demands supplied...

Their internal, emotional bonds—their coupling strength—have also been strengthened.

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Because of their continued interaction with the rest of the nodes...

Each node has formed new links with fellow nodes outside of the business perspective.

You see...

Through time...

TFMT nodes have essentially become genuine friends...

And Tribe friendships—they're the kind that's definitely for keeps.

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Like what you see in these happy people. :))))

Quick Announcement:

The Freelance Movement Tribe?is once again opening its doors for enrollment until January 28, 2022. After that, the Tribe will be closed indefinitely. JTL will focus on helping Tribe members transform themselves from Zero to CEO.

Learn more about the Tribe (and perhaps consider joining us inside, too).

#KCLThoughtsontheRoad #ZerotoCEO #Roadmap #Freelancing #TheFreelanceMovementTribe #PhysicsFridays #Networks #Business #BusinessAdvice #ComplexNetworks #NetworkSynchronization #CouplingStrength #Synchronization #Decentralization #DecentralizedNetworks #Sustainability #Community #Othercenteredness #Love #Physics #RenewableEnergy #Loveisthetheoryofeverything #TheTheoryofEverything

Karen Crystal Lasta ? ??

Email Marketer ? Need help with campaigns? DM me.

3 年

Quick Announcement: The Freelance Movement Tribe is giving away 3 full-year membership slots for FREE. Join the waitlist here >>> bit.ly/tribeforfree <<< and get a chance to win your FREE slot and be a part of this thriving community of freelancers, learn strategies on getting premium clients, create business systems, and eventually transform yourself from zero to CEO. Sign up for FREE today >>> bit.ly/tribeforfree


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