Why train with Target Tracker Moving Target Systems and Non-Lethal Methods?
You may ask yourself why train with Target Tracker Moving Target Systems and Non-Lethal Methods?
Here is a larger version of the description of why we train the way we do;
How we make it easy for virtually everyone!
- What most people do not realize is that there are officers accidental killed or injured in training every year!
- Instead of massive Force on Force Training where officers are injured training hand to hand combat, weapons retention from gosling with another officer during training take a look at substituting some of that training with our Moving Target System, thus knee, back, shoulder, neck, and other injuries may be reduced.
- Minimize Liability from injury or death due to training accidents with Non-Lethal Products in a high stress training scenario while performing these courses in a gradual manner then migrate this training to Live Fire!
- Even with Non-Lethal Rounds there has been cases where protective gear was not worn or the officer received a scar or cut to an exposed area, ONCE AGAIN SUBSTITUTE THE OFFICER SHOOTING AT THE OTHER OFFICER WITH THE TARGET TRACKER MOVING TARGET SYSTEMS.
We train to a bullet accountability standard of a minimum of 80% with pistol that is 0-30 feet moving at 0-9 mph simulating an actual threat engagement.
- Case and Point NYPD Empire State Building 1 bad guy – 11 shots fired by officers- 9 wounded or injured civilians or innocent bystanders. THAT’S 9 % BULLET ACCOUNTABILITY (Which we have found on average during LE training is typically 8%-12% before we train the officers with our format) on threat 81% negative bullet accountability on injured or wounding innocent civilians, honestly the probability ratings should be the exact opposite – training under our format at 80% massively increases the probability that the officers will not shoot an innocent bystander and be able to stop the threat without an officer being killed or wounded, RIGHT!
- Case and Point again NYPD 84 shots fired 83 misses bad guy was shot in the leg all moving on moving threat situations. THAT’S 1 % BULLET ACCOUNTABILITY – training under our format at 80% massively increases the probability that the officers will not shoot an innocent bystander and be able to stop the threat without an officer being killed or wounded, RIGHT!
Let’s simply address the issue, most state COMMISSIONS ON LAW ENFORCEMENT STANDARDS ARE NOT ENOUGH FOR POLICE OFFICERS TO BE FLUENT WITH A WEAPON THAT THEY CARRY EVERYDAY! That fact is proven almost every time there is a bad guy with a gun and an officer responding to the scene. I am not being disrespectful, but if you don’t train for the situation you will not be able to respond fluently. A great analogy for that is if you go to the doctor for a surgery and the doctor only uses a scalpel twice a year ARE YOU WILLING TO PUT YOUR LIFE OR A LIFE OF A LOVED ONE IN THEIR HANDS?
So why do we think it is realistic to do the same with a Police Officer? But with a Police officer they are responsible for every bullet that comes out of their firearm and everyone around that area.
Now let’s equate that to EDUCATION!
You start off at Kindergarten right so in terms of EDUCTAION – shooting 25 bullets 2 times a year at 10,20,30 feet is Kindergarten- KEEP IN MIND THIS IS THE BASE FIREARM CERTIFCATION FOR PISTOL IN MOST STATES IN THE USA! I can teach an 8 year old to do this so think about that for a minute, an 8 year old can do the same as Police that carry a gun in harm’s way everyday!
1St -5th Grade is Elementary- This would be similar also learning AR15 tactical rifle or shotgun with a few things about being politically correct and learn Shoot and No Shoot situations but still not training realistically!
6th – 8th Grade referred to as Middle School- ok now they learn to drive a car, carry other gear like cuffs and PHAZER/Tasers meanwhile still not getting enough training to use them and deploy them effectively. Matter of fact there was an officer just killed that deployed a Taser when the bad guy had a gun and killed the officer.
9th – 12th Grade High School- Ok now they have been on the job a few years and learn how to deal with most things and have typically never had to pull their weapon in a threat situation. Still nowhere near any type of realistic training scenario based problem solving under stress.
SWAT TEAM or Special Reaction Team Training is like college, now they receive maybe some Force on Force with Non-Lethal products simulate gun fights and threat etc. and some basic sniper training for stadium security etc. Typically, we have found that LE does training for these groups anywhere from once a month to 4 times a year maybe more in some groups.
THEN THERE’S MILITARY “MARKSMAN PROGRAMS” which are all primarily based on STATIONARY TARGETS so very unrealistic when it comes down to a moving threat.
TYPICALLY, ADVANCED SNIPER TRAINING is done with Moving Target Systems.
But here is the real truth, in an active shooter situation the officers typically first on the scene are not these officers but the same officers that only go through KINDERGARTEN TRAINING!
So what happens those officers lock down the scene and wait for the SWAT Team, thus many more lives are taking waiting for the SWAT teams to arrive or at least qualified personnel.
At this point I think we can all agree the level of training provided to Police Officers is TOTALLY INADQUATE!
And Why, typically it is Bean Counters playing the odds with everyone’s life based on I HOPE IT DOESN’T HAPPEN BUT TRULY WE KNOW IT IS NOT A MATTER OF IF BUT MORE OF A MATTER OF WHEN, WHERE AND WHO IS GOING TO RESPOND!
So how do we fix it! This is above my paygrade dealing with Politicians but we take Monies allocated for NON-SENSE that does not secure our country like the importation of REFUGGESS AND SAY NO! These funds belong to our communities and should be used for Great Projects not unrealistic concepts which create more terrorist activity and that has already been proven.
Then we deploy systems and training that have unlimited potential in training different unpredictable threat scenarios.
#4: Actually improving Probability: We back this up with video based training so the officers can watch the exercise and go perform the training with one other officer thus making it applicable to any size department.
If you do not train under stress typically you cannot handle stress. This is the same for EVERYONE in any position. A Great analogy for this applies to EVERYONE: so you are at work on day and have to deal with an unknown issue that arises whether it is a personal, personnel or equipment failure, next thing you know is “I have never had to deal with this before in any way” and “I have no idea what to do or even if I can solve the problem I do not have the authority to do so” NOW YOU GET HOW OFFICERS MAY FEEL EACH AND EVERY DAY OF THEIR CAREERS BECAUSE IN EVERYTHING THEY DO TYPICALLY THERE IS AN UNKNOWN PROBABILITY!
- Building up your tolerance for stress or anxiety, thus finding areas of improvement (Kinks in Your Armor) to help you improve.
- Through Stress induced training it is much faster and more efficient to find out what you individually need to improve on for a better skill set or even mind set
- Constantly providing new courses of fire and training exercises.
- Constantly providing a higher level of probability to survive or handle a threat accordingly.
- Our training is setup so you can "take it Home" whether you want to invest in a Target Tracker System and Non-Lethal shooting products, either way we have it all ready for you!
- If you could train at home a few minutes a week would it increase the probability you would practice or train more?
Here are a few videos links for your review:
Description of Zero to Hero Training Video
Since Police Officers are being attacked in their Vehicles! Vehicle Dynamics Video
Since the general public has the perception that every Police Officer is a Gunfighter Train to be a Gunfighter Video
For any questions or further information please feel free to contact me.
Respectfully Submitted,
Wayne A. McGregor
CEO of Target Tracker Business Development Group & Moving Target Systems - www.targettracker.net
Law Enforcement Tactical Training System - Linked IN Group
NRA Pistol Instructor
Pinckney, Michigan 48169
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Certified Instructor at Impala Platinum
9 年Wayne I m very much interested in this training