Why toys are ALWAYS essential goods when it comes to kids
Across Europe, TIE’s national association members have been engaging with their governments in response to local measures against Covid 19. In every case, a key part of this dialogue has focused on explaining to decision makers just why toys belong on the lists of essential goods that have been drawn up.
The importance of toys and their role in play is central to TIE’s own mission. Through play, children develop and thrive. Play is so essential it has been recognised as a right for every child by the United Nations. As the tools of play, toys help children to achieve the ‘balanced play diet’ that is so key to their development. Studies have also found that toys help keep children playing for longer.
Children’s experience of the lockdown period and confinement measures underlines just how essential toys are in their lives. This year, perhaps more than ever before, toys have provided opportunities for children’s learning, entertainment, and even helped them deal with the stresses they may be experiencing.
Measures against Covid 19 are being tightened up again. This time around, children will also have to cope with shorter days and colder, wetter weather. Toys bring colour and delight to children’s lives at the best of times. In this period of continuing uncertainty, toys offer children a welcome escape inside the home and offer a real alternative to screen time.
With Christmas fast approaching, we also shouldn’t underestimate the joy of receiving a toy. It’s not without reason that toys have a long association with Christmas. Who can forget as a child the exciting anticipation of dreaming about what might lie wrapped up under the tree? Up to 60% of the sector’s sales take place in the run up to Christmas in some countries. This makes it an especially important time of year for all those employed in the European toy sector.
With all this in mind, at Toy Industries of Europe, we echo the calls of our national members to recognise the absolutely essential role of toys in children’s lives.
More information on the lifelong benefits of play for children can be found on TIE’s website www.importanceofplay.eu
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