Why Top 10 Matters
About Face Models recently posted AFM's Top 10 Models from 2014, with the 2015 honors to come on New Year's Day. Why are Top 10 lists so popular? In recent years, lists of nearly any random number have popped up in place of articles -- usually with a click-through feature so you can't just view the list, you have to remain on the site long enough to click on number one, number two, then three, and so on. But 65 reasons to do something is just too much, right? Two years ago, The New Yorker ran A List of Reasons Why Our Brains Love Lists claiming
"there’s little that our brains crave more than effortlessly acquired data...We are drawn to it... we process it more efficiently, and we retain it with little effort."
In fact, just completing the list gives us a positive feeling of accomplishment, impacting future decisions. So, who is your favorite in AFM's Top 10?
For information regarding About Face Models, contact Debbie Nelson [email protected]