Why not today?
Welcome Again!
You will only miss the chances that you won’t take.
What are the things which are common in all the failure cases? Any guesses ?
There can be n number of things, right? Let’s just highlight few of them
When Confucius said, "The journey with a 1000 miles begins with one step"
I was not there, LOL but when I read it I felt it I knew right at the moment that it is right. We often do not even realize what to do, how to do and what’s the starting point.
In reality, there is?none! Everybody is just trying and successful are those who just keep doing it again and again until outcomes are not in their favor.
Recently, I was going through a book written by Yuval Noah Harari,?I found that since millions of years homo sapiens survived because they kept trying and evolved so much because deep down they were consistent about growth.?( Just imagine how much centuries it took for humans to learn about fire, clothes, farming, weapons, utensil, shelter, etc.) if those guys without school, graduation, post graduation could have that curiosity to start doing something then just think about it. I feel like you got my point. xD
Well, now the point is what is the difference between them and us, there is one very important one “SURVIVAL”, They did it all because they had to survive and why we are not doing it? Let me think
We already have everything that will help us to survive but is that what we really want, is it?
The answer would be “NO”, Mr. X really want to start a book, Mr. Y always felt like starting their first podcast, Mr. Z always wanted to start on his start up (but), (you know), (actually), (it could be)…blah blah blah
There are thousands and thousands of reason to not start that one thing you really want and may be only?one?to start it.
So, What you can do is just start it, what is the worst thing that can happen ? You will fail, it won’t work ? Somebody will laugh whatever man! It doesn’t matter, there was a time when you couldn’t walk but crawl and you made it my friend. This the right time to start crawling, just do it.
“The first step is to just take the first step”
And Remember one thing, you are doing anything for anyone else it’s for you, so just be on it and kill it.
Also, I have been procrastinating to write and publish this for a very long time but today I asked myself finally
Why not today?
All the best