Why today ? Why Om Namah Shivaya
Nature is kind, it gives us so many opportunities to better ourselves.
In this era of consistent competition and change, the Moon phase transforms "mind set" that can erupt into a gratifying phase of change.
Shiva, the symbol of silent dynamism id also the harbinger of Awakening. Awakening means waking up from our preconceived comfort zone and being pushed into the “real” world of challenges for a better change. Shiva Destroys the cozy beds, the silver plates of meals, the churning wheels of comfortable transit to the rat race of each day.
Change..... means old habits have to go. This too is destruction. And Shiva, the destroyer, is coupled with Shakti... the Goddess of Creation.
Mahashivratri is the Golden opportunity for each of us to imbibe the "change" we each wish for.
With dawn, Shakti rides the earth, water, fire, sky and space for change. The night long 'awaken' state encourages the cosmos to shift our personal energies that flow thru the spine. The Sun and Moon hold hands to ignite a newness, open door to higher energies that will take us Deeper into our potential.
Be careful of your thoughts... Nature will conspire to realize the desire your mind pronounces.