Why Time is your Most Important Asset to Success
Jimmy Osingo
Master Jim | 300K Followers | Director | AI Marketer | Quantum Healer at 33V
The idea of time has been a fascination to many just as long as the human thought. As a matter of fact, the obsession into the power behind time has completely eluded many scientists making it one of the most misunderstood topics in the past and present.
One great King in Israel, King David, meditated over this question many times and at one time asked God to always remind him of the number of days he had, so that he may live effectively.
Every important thing in life is measured against time. How old are you? How many many years of experience do you have? How much do you bill per hour? How old was he when he passed? What is his life achievement?
Time is the only commodity on earth that is given equally to every human being. Everyone has 24 hrs a day to work on their purpose. It therefore begs the question why some achieve in 3 years what another achieves in 3 decades. Its how you invest your time.
There is no doubt that we live in time and every minute the clock ticks, the end of our life time draws closer. Not everyone will live for the same time, but every time allocated to each person is enough to fulfill whatever objective one wishes on earth.
Whatever you invest your time in you will become. To be a person of value, you must put in enough value into your time to manifest it. A doctor, is one of the most important people on earth due to the amount of time he put into getting the specialized skills.
It is easy to devalue your time by choosing what you doing with it. A professor is a valuable person because of the value he put in time that is now manifested in his day to day activities.
As a kid, you had these wild dreams of living lavishly when you grow up, maybe as a doctor, pilot or any other occupation that was associated with wealth and luxurious lifestyle. As years passed, the dreams faded as you came to terms with reality.
You did not become what you wanted because you did not put time into creating yourself into what you wanted to become. One popular phrase to support this is 'time is money; its worth more than money.'
How to use time effectively in pursuit of your purpose
Invest your time: Live knowing that you cannot stop or control time. Once its gone it never comes back. Growing up to live to a ripe old age may be a curse if you cannot account for the time you had.
Document a plan: Its so easy to say that you are working towards your goals without a plan to show. As a statistician, I believe that the best way to predict success is to have ways of measuring the goals. Having a physical plan that you look at every morning will ensure that you utilize every single second.
Establish priorities based on your plan: With a plan in place, you will know what is beneficial, and to achieve which goal. Many people that I have met and talked to have confessed that they have wasted years doing what is not part of their life plan. Students have spent many years and resources in colleges studying what they would never want to pursue in life.
Pursue your passion only: After studying many business ventures that I have undertaken in life, I have concluded not every opportunity is a blessing. Learn to choose your ventures right and not every money making scheme is good for you.
Protect your time and Priority from other people's interest: Its common to have friends push you into pursuing their ventures with them. First, ask yourself, is it right for you. It may work for others but it may be a great distraction from achieving your life goals. That is why people switch 5 unrelated careers in a year, in the name of searching what is best for them.
Identify your value: Know exactly what you want to do, and for what reason. Only make decisions that will be according to where you want to go. Life is a journey and you need to be very careful with whom you want to journey with. Do not try to please everyone, and know that most of the people smiling at you do not like you.
Review Your investments: Timely look at what you spend your time on and what are the results. Do not give up, keep pushing. Horticulturist tell us that when you plant the seed of a Chinese bamboo tree, it grows only a couple of inches in the first four years.
Now those four years you are required to continue to water and nurture it with fertilizer in spite of apparent lack of growth. However, sometimes during the fifth year it grows to 90ft in five weeks. The question is: did the tree grow to 90ft in five weeks or in five years? Had nurturing stopped, would that tree have grown to 90ft.
Nothing is achieved without persistence and perseverance. Take a close look at what you do with time and you will be shocked at how much time you really need to be what you want to be on earth.
Private Reseacher and Academic Writer
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