Do You Know a "Know It All", If you are not collaborating you do not know it all!
Kelly Ahrens
Founder @ Test and Train Sports/Stars and Stripes Sports | Sports Testing, Training and Development Services/Land & Notes, LLC
Why don't you ask Why more often? Is it ok to ask Why? Is there a certain etiquette that disallows one from asking Why? Are you open minded and secure with yourself to the degree you would encourage someone to ask you Why? If someone asks you Why can you support the basis of what you are teaching ?
OK, I ask Why a lot and I ask Why because I want to learn and be sure the information being provided is accurate and can be presented in a manner that can be clearly understood by a redneck. If a redneck can understand it then the rest of the population will better understand Why? Why does an instructor or coach , instruct or coach in a manner that is not understood?
Why would this scenario happen as discussed in a recent conversation with a former MLB Player and a current MLB Scout, asking Why is not appropriate. Why is it not ok to ask a Hall Of Famer telling you the "proper" mechanics on how to throw the ball Why you would execute in that manner. Why not, because he is a Hall Of Famer, it is "Because". Why we do not ask Why or Because Why is because it is disrespectful although you question the instruction and know it is not proper.
Why would you not ask Why? Because asking Why can cost you your job or deem you as "uncoachable". Why do coaches/instructors "repeat" instruction when they can not tell you Why a certain technique is executed in a certain manner? Why is it acceptable to repeat something you have been told and what has been passed down from many years and never challenge?
Why do you accept what someone would tell you although you question the information being presented? Why would a secure coach/instructor be offended if someone were to ask them Why on a specific mechanic or technique being provided? Why would one think they would be a good coach/instructor because they played baseball at a high level? Why would playing at a Major League Level make you a better coach/instructor than someone that played at a Single A or Amateur Level?
Why are coaches teaching the wrong mechanics and are not open to learning a better technique and or discussing the pros and cons of another technique? Why does an infielder or an outfielder approach a ball hit over their head to either shoulder a certain way? Why is the way being taught the right way? Why would you not challenge the way you are teaching a technique/skill to be certain it is being taught the right way? Why would a MLB Coach, College Coach or any coach "teach" the "drop step" to utilize in the example above when it is proven to be the wrong technique? Why do they not know what the right technique is?
Why would you not question, on a regular basis, every skill/technique you teach to be sure there is not a better way? Why would you continue to believe and teach something you do not understand and that you are accepting as proper? Why does having a good son who is a good player make you a good coach or an authority? Why does an academy or instructor feel the need to post on website and social media, all of the "college bound and professional bound" players that have come through their building or played once or twice on their team?
Why are you an "authority" on the skill/technique and/or sport? Why can't the academy down the street or in the same town teach and or instruct as good or better than your academy? Why do you feel the need to publicly post what other coaches/instructors do that is wrong or improper versus posting what is so right about what you do? Why if you know so much and are the only authority by declaration of your own discretion, don't you collaborate and help the "inferior coaches/instructors" instead of bashing them and making fun of their approach?
Why do parents think they can coach better than the coaches? Why do parents feel a coach/instructor/academy should not make money taking a risk in liability in a facility and running a business that is proven to demand double the time of the person questioning them making money? Why is a product that is provided to the public to use to enhance or improve a skill a gadget? Why can't a product be evaluated properly and measured to see the benefit as the person who created the product has an idea it can help?
Why does MLB act so arrogant about everything they do when they state they are trying to be America's Sport and re-introduce the game? Why do the resources of the MLB go to the organizations and people that it goes to? Why does the MLB not understand the true grassroots of today's game? Why does MLB protect their buddies and their guy and not accept they could be wrong and there is a better hire or player?
Why does MLB continue to allow the "same old things" in the sport to take place and expect you to "accept" it? Why can't MLB embrace the techniques and development environment is failing? Why do they not realize that based upon the top five rounds picked each year only 45% of the players will play in the MLB for more than 3 years? Why is less than 50% accuracy acceptable and the MLB executives think they have a good process and or teaching environment? Why does MLB allow the abuse of MILB payment system and take advantage of aspiring young men?
Why do College Coaches support a method of the current Showcasing World which destroys players? Why do College Coaches not take the grassroots approach to farming relationships that build a program versus trying to get rich quick at the expense of an athlete's career? Why does the College Coach not want to continue to develop athletes and take responsibility for the players they recruit versus blaming the player or the foundation the player had when they arrived?
Why does the High School Coach have the teams line up made up before tryouts begin? Why does the High School Coach tell his players not to get lessons or deal with academies or professional instructors? Why does a High School Coach feel threatened by a local professional versus welcoming them into the program and allowing them to contribute? Why do they feel they can not learn from the professional and not benefit by collaborating with the professionals and the academies as they are a part of the community that helps develops players? Why do the School Districts allow High School coaches to supplement their income by using state supported facilities to run and manage "travel programs" that "demand " player participation in summer or they will not play during the HS Season? Why can't the player choose where they want to play and develop outside of the HS Season?
Why are people confused about the "rash of elbow injuries"? Why do the parents allow for their son to be vulnerable to injury and put their head in the sand, it is because their ego gets in the way and they need to win some hardware? Why do the Dr's and "Experts" not know that it is easy to identify EXACTLY what the issue is that is causing the problems? Why do they not know that each travel team has two pitchers that pitch 70% of the innings for a team in a tournament and those two pitchers throw the hardest and are most vulnerable to injury. Why do they not know the other 30% of innings pitched on the weekend are completed by mostly two other pitchers who do not throw as hard as the two that are gobbling up all the innings?
Why don't they know that if you do not or are not throwing hard , you are not going to have elbow injury, one because you are not throwing hard and creating the torque that someone throwing hard does and two because the coaches are not going to pitch you as much as the guys that throw hard? Why do they not understand it is not "take time off", that is does not matter how much time you take off if you throw three innings or 75 pitches at a 3 PM game on Saturday and come back on Sunday morning at 9 AM to throw another 5 innings and 100 more pitches? Why would you think that "taking a few months off and playing other sports" is going to correct this specific problem?
Why do they not know this information solves the issue by finding the top two pitchers on every team and no longer allowing them to pitch back to back days period. Why do they not know to develop 12 pitchers on a team so no one or two players carry the burden for the entire team? Why do they not know if you do not have 12 players that can pitch and pitch regular that you can not compete and you will have your pitchers at the operating table in a short order?
Why are parents not holding instructors/coaches/academy owners accountable to providing data driven development proving their ability to coach/instruct? Why would a parent pay for a lesson or participation on a team without first having their player tested and use the data to make the best choices about the players development? Why would a parent think their child could play at the high school, college, or professional level without testing their child and knowing the numbers those players at that level produce? Why would a parent want to "coach" their child? Why would a parent do anything but clap, cheer and encourage their son during a game?
Why can't the baseball community stop the Egotistical approach to being better than everyone else and knowing more than the guy in the next dugout or the nearby academy and embrace the fact that EVERYONE has more to learn and should be willing to be challenged and asked WHY?