Why test automation scripting takes time…
Recently I saw a post in LinkedIn stating that test automation scripting does not take time and its easy. I inquired this from the author of the post and he kept silent as it was known to me that he had no experience in test automation. So I thought of blogging this article stating the points that automation scripting is not a quick and easy task.
- Everyone is not at the same skill level : We see that there are test automation engineers in different skill levels, with the knowledge they posses in programming language and automation testing tool. Some will be experienced and some will have a beginner level skill. So we cannot expect the same automation scripting speeds from all.
- Test automation tools are not Swiss Army knives: Test tools does not provide all in one solutions. There are various system UIs we need to interact and intermediate processes we need to automate. Therefore while scripting we might encounter this and we may need to research and try integrate and scripting various ways until we get the job done. There is no clear solution for any given problems we face.
- Compatibility issues with other API libraries, Language versions, and integrating tools: The life of test automation scripting is not merry always. I once faced an issue that a particular test automation tool didn't support a range of python versions, and even certain functions that was there in previous version was not available in new. Then I had to create my own custom method to overcome it.
- Bugs in test automation tools: Test automation tools are not developed by gods or robots, they are developed by humans and we should expect some level of human errors in it. When we encounter such errors the test test automation scripting slows down.
- Environment performance and other hardware limitations: When we script we might have machines with low hardware configurations. Sometimes we may have to script on remote desktop connections and even when we re execute the scripts while scripting the execution site will be slow,
- Scripting issues, problem encountering, finding solutions: When we do automated scripting we do not have a smooth road. We encounter issues and problem, and even we might not know how to handle a particular scenario. Then we need to refer stack overflow and other technical blogs to find solutions.
- UI to automate is not merry at all: Some UIs are not straight forward. When doing test automation scripting, I faced a UI with lot of pseudo elements which cannot be captured directly by selenium. Therefore we need operate ways to handle them like JavaScript or Selenium Action classes.
- Use of test automaton framework: Various organizations uses different kinds of test automation frameworks. Some will be effective while others might have issues and limitations. If proper page classes and functions are not properly decomposed or constructed, then lot of rework might be needed while test automation scripting.
- No proper documentation on test automation standards, coding standards and available methods. This will create lot of rework and lot of time to find accurate in built in methods. Thus consuming lot of scripting time.
- Changes in UI and requierments: Sometimes we may have to automate applications while the solution is being changed. So UIs and process will keep on changing. This will also create lot of rework.
Therefore any professional who is making such broad statement should look at the macro environment rather than making it…