Why Tesla is not selling like before in Europe where it looses nearly 50%
Why Tesla's sales dropped in Europe? Simple, if we don't have the adequate recharging network, it is not possible to drive 800 Km and spending 4 days to get to work. EVs are not a form of luxury against pollution, they are a stystem for loosing jobs. That is if there is an internet connection, so that it is possible to download the software update to allow for the recharge. All this electronics, all these satellites were created too fast without having the infrastructure in place, therefore EVs will never have a future. To do a smart city it is necessary to plan it 50 years early. Let's start planning it in 2025, and in 2050 we can probably achieve net zero like von der Leyen wants, with everything electric and smart, but with a backup plan if there was a blackout, a lost satellite or a human error leading to a satellite's explosion, in order to make a smart city, all these things would have to be taken into consideration.
#evs #salesdrop #rechargingnetwork #softwareupdate