Randy E. Hoffman
AMERICA'S Premier source for ALL forms of INNOVATIVE life insurance issued correctly! Over 3.5 million answer views on Quora.
WHY TERM? Simply because it is the most AFFORDABLE type of life insurance. Only a very small percentage of the total population would ever need life insurance their WHOLE life so why waste money buying permanent cash value policies which can be real ripoffs? Who would be depending on your income when you are age 70+ ???
The main reason for life insurance is “INCOME REPLACEMENT” due to the premature death of the family breadwinner. The best rule of thumb for the amount needed in a death benefit is 10X annual income which makes term life the perfect choice. Permanent life insurance policies can be 5 to 10X the cost of term life. Depending on your age when you apply for a policy you can chose guaranteed rates for 10–15–20–25 and 30 year! ONLY the ultra-wealthy need permanent policies to deal with the inevitable estate tax situation their heirs will confront. BUY TERM.