Why technical documentation is extremely important?

Now-a-days every company are focusing on documentation part equally as of development or testing or anything thing involved before product launch.

Question is WHY? Why the organisation is leaned equally towards product documentation? What made them to do so?

Well, here is the answer.

When company launches any product; whether it is mini or major, they need to train the people on: About the product, How to use it, How to troubleshoot the issues etc.

Now, a question might strike in your mind that, company can keep the training session for the users rather than putting the effort in documenting entire product. Then why documentation is necessary?

Well, documentation prepared by tech. Writers can be handy to the users forever and they can flip over the pages to know the product. What if anything misses out of their mind after oral training session? In that case user can flip over the pages of document and get to know about the product.

Technical Document about the product involves several phases starting from installation of the product to the troubleshooting of issues. A handy document is always a necessity for user.

It’s a kind of forever support to user. It’s a kind of guide involving step-by-step process of performing any action including screenshots for each step.

More user-friendly the document is, more helpful it will be for the user and more will be the selling of product.

So these days, almost all the product based companies are investing a huge amount in hiring technical writers and in technical documentation.


