Why talking about mental health is so hard
If you've been reading my posts long enough, you
will know that I struggle with mental illness, I take a
ton of medication - mood stabilisers, anti depressants
anti psychotics and sedatives along with thyroid and
parkinsons meds as secondary illnesses
When I'm feeling well, I don't want to talk about my
illness because the last episode is in the past and
when people ask 'how are you feeling?' I just say
fine and block the recent nightmare from my head
When I'm not feeling well, I don't want to talk about
it for many reasons and I'm going to take you through
that today
I've been well since October? Then I had a bad
couple of days yesterday and the day before
I felt it gradually sneak in and suddenly I was
thinking suicidal thoughts, I had anxiety, I didn't
want to be in the house, I didn't want to leave the
I didn't want to sit down, I didn't want to be moving,
every thought I had left me feeling like I couldn't
make a decision because no matter what I would be
doing, my head would still be the same
It's really difficult to describe
Unless the other person has felt this way, it can be
really hard to put into words, what is going on in
your head
Your brain has shut down
You are no longer rational, making sense, your
thoughts are reduced and you have feelings that
you don't want instead, negative feelings
You are scared and paranoid
How can you talk to someone when you already
feel scared, what if they don't believe you or
dismiss you saying 'we all feel like that sometimes'
when they haven't
Or you get the courage to tell someone and the
paranoia you have then fixates on 'I shouldn't
have told that person, they'll think...'
How do you tell someone you want to die?
A lot of the time this is the feeling I have, it
doesn't mean I'm going to do it or have plans to
do it, it's just a feeling of not wanting to be in the
state that I'm in right now
it also send the other person into a panic and
feels like you just dumped on them, I can't begin
to imagine how many people I've worried
People have misconceptions
Schizophrenics kill people or they think they are
two different people, when in fact that's multiple
personality disorder, they are nothing like each
Psychopaths and sociopaths also kill people
and most don't know the difference between
I guarantee you know at least two sociopaths in
your life and don't know it, they probably don't
know it either!
These labels and words are scary - not half as
scary as being told you have one of them...
People don't know how to react
Most times I pull myself out of it and that will
generally be the case with an episode, I know
my way back but if it's really bad, call the NHS,
I'm on record and they will get someone out to
see me
Other than that just listen, I get angry sometimes
with potential solutions or suggestions on what I
can do to feel better. It won't help because my
brain is in control and it needs fixed or I need to
ride it out, just listen and make some decisions
for them, like what we're having for dinner
Ask what's going on
Ryan spots it straight away, as does my sister,
they know every sign that I'm not right, so
usually I don't have to 'bring it up in conversation'
'Did I tell you I want to die?' just makes people
uncomfortable, although I might have done that
a few times, but when your head isn't working
and you're not being rational - I'm also quite open
Anyway, I thought with feeling fresh in a hopefully
mini episode, I would share this with you
I hear all the time there is still stigma, people don't
talk about it, I wanted you to know what it feels
like on the other side and why it's so hard to talk
Sometimes the medication just blanks you!
Carolyne xx
p.s. mental health is as important to me as
exercise and nutrition, it's a 3 pronged approach
to living a good healthy life
Carolyne is the owner of Fit Strong Females with a Studio in Glasgow City Centre and an Online Membership Site and also a Food, Success and Food Blogger and Writer. You can contact her at [email protected] or find more information at fitstrongfemales.com
Helping clients improve their Breakfast~Energy~Weight Control~Mental Clarity~Sports Performance~ Personalised nutrition
7 年Nice post Carolyne ????