Why sustainability is crucial for human survival

Why sustainability is crucial for human survival

Hans Carl Von Carlwitz, the German medieval author who coined the term sustainability and visualized the concept for the first time, got the notion from forest management. Cultivating useful trees and plants and doing it in a way that’d continue to offer yields for a long time, uninterrupted. Although initially, it meant compromising things in many ways, today, sustainability refers to a process that continues, not the end result. And sustainable approach doesn’t require compromising anything.

On a more flexible look, the sustainable approach has a bigger boundary of thoughts that stretch as far as the distant future. Earth is the only residence of the human species still, and it will, for sure, take hundreds of years before finding a new home, providing that there is one. In such an uncertain situation, mankind cannot afford to destroy their only home and leave it unlivable for the next generation. Sustainability, hence, is the name of empathy for the future of mankind; it’s about doing our responsibility properly for the generations to come, to leave a green and safe earth for them.

On the other hand, sustainability is heavily associated with financial benefits too. The more we are sustainable in our manufacturing approaches, the better it is for the revenue scenario of the business. As a sustainable approach include recycling, reusing, and waste management, it saves a large number of resources and product materials that is economically beneficial. Also, reducing waste generation is on top of that too.

As a sustainable company, we want to achieve both short-term and long-term goals by leveraging the best of technology, conducting meticulous research, and exploring non-toxic alternatives to conventional ways of production. United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) revealed in a report published in 2018 that fashion production contributes to 10% of global carbon emissions. J’adoube is well on board that ship of the sustainable voyage, marching fast towards catching a dream of green, clean, and safe earth.??



