Why Support President Trump :
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I own the domain, I developed such due to all the censorship from facebook for several years, Others also have censored my work.
I will support President Trump, It is critical that we change the landscape in the House of Representatives . The corruption continues to dominate the House, some in the Senate, and in the Justice Department.
The immoral, non-spiritual, Criminal Zionist agenda, is the down fall of America. Beginning after WWII and the acceptance by congress of a foreign lobby AIPAC, with only foreign interest as American & Israeli. The infiltration into all things that were American began. Religious beliefs, Education basic & Advanced have had the entire curriculum changed to their philosophy and content.
An organization called Christians & Jews was started of course they dominated the charter. Small town family grocery stores, gas stations, restaurants, were bought out, the Chain businesses began. America's politicians were notorious for jumping in and being investors, Wall Street recovered from the crash. It seems very likely that certain people were buying or getting insider information. That corruption continues to this date.
Of course television came out around 1949. Control of producing, shows, entertainment, movies, and most importantly NEWS "MEDIA" developed. Guess who owns it all. Today the top 2 % control 90% 0f America's wealth &"money".
In the 1940's the American Nationality Law for running for political office was, You had to be an American Citizen, if you were a DUAL CITIZEN with another Country, you had to denounce the other citizenship. No Conflict of interest.( Then--BUT LOOK AT IT NOW!!) Today we have 89 members in Congress that are Dual Citizens with Israel. The Democrats campaign funding is provided by Jewish agencies. HOW? OUR congress gives Israel $30 Billion Dollars. 3 Billion a year for ten years. Israel has requested that it be doubled this year, If the Democrats stay in power of the house, they will get it and more. Look what our President Trump has done for the USA. Even though he has been attacked by the Democrats & Media continuously. Also fighting two silent wars. NO. 1 the pandemic Virus. No. 2. The Zionist Movement to dominate American Businesses, and America's Government. They run too much already because many people ignore the facts . WHAT CAN YOU DO. VOTE for TRUMP & Republicans. LOOK at the last 12 years.Nothing has been done by the DEMOCRATS for any of us. Just Israel. Which never has been a Jewish State.
Biden Will Destroy Social Security? Democrats are all descendants of Pinocchio, just can not speak the truth at all. When one lies, the others SWEAR to it. They all are LIARS ! Example Adam Schiff--most frequent.
QUESTIONS About Joe Biden: Did you happen to Watch the interviews of Harris & Biden on CNN .We could not believe how much Joe Biden has aged both physically & Mentally to the point of confusion, mixed up words. His facial expressions showed a very elderly man with medical problems. His time to be President has long passed him by. Harris did an excellent job of covering for him. Covering his back as much as possible. How-ever, it still was clearly an wakening moment for American voters, he is not capable of being Commander and Chief with all that is going on now. We all heard him state that he would have to raise TAXES. The truth of the matter is, the government gets more now then they need. The Party he represents spends way more in giving away to their special interest Lobbies that cover campaign funds, vacation trips etc. On top of that, they want to give citizenship to 11 million illegal immigrants. Our Country is made from immigration, LEGAL immigration, sponsored immigration, entering at Ellis Island, coming with needed skills not as members of another Cartel, or syndicate.
President Trump has sworn his Allegiance to America and Amereicans, not to a foreign lobby, or Country. Many of our politicians have sworn Allegiance to Israel. Such was against our laws in the past, all prior to the infiltration by Zionist Socialist, that have been sucessful at cbanging our laws & ordinances to fit their agenda. REALIZE our COUNTRY is under siege by the wolves in sheep's clothing, the changes made certainly were not for our benefit.
EVERY AMERICAN SHOULD BE VOTING. VOTING FOR THE CONTINUANCE OF OUR DEMOCRACY AND CONSTITUTION, IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT HERE LEAVE LIKE YOU SAID YOU WOULD FOUR YEARS AGO. YOU TROUBLE MAKING FOREIGNERS GO HOME, TAKE ALL OTHER CRIMINALS WITH YOU. The rest prepare for the revolution that is coming to fight back against the attacks, riots, violence, property loss, personal injuries, and wrongful killing. When such activities are supported by the Democrats, media, and talk shows like the VIEW, and late night vampires, it is time to shut it all down, turn off the Media Towers etc.
Police Detective at Pinellas County Sheriff's Office
4 年Still in Bradford, helping my parents out, my one sister died in June , history of alcohol and health issues, only 63?
4 年Hi Jeff: We moved to Fayetteville NC. Where are you located presently,
Police Detective at Pinellas County Sheriff's Office
4 年Trump 2020!!!!