Why Success is Inevitable
What if you could know that you would be successful, simply because you knew that, whatever challenge you were facing, you had already done it?
There is a lot that scientists still don’t know about how the universe works. About how we work.
But there is one view that I find incredibly helpful, and incredibly counterintuitive. And it lines up a lot of things—quantum physics, ancient wisdom, the law of attraction, parts and shadow work. These form the basis of my Creating Extraordinary Futures Process,? which in itself is the culmination of 30 years of personal work on myself and with others.
In essence, this view says that we have already experienced everything possible to experience, including succeeding at everything it is possible to succeed at. Quantum physics tells us—
With me so far? Head spinning a bit? I know, it’s a lot to take in.
Do I know this is “True”? No. In fact, it can seem preposterous. But the best scientists haven’t been able to prove it isn’t true, either. And when I am given a choice between a perspective that gives me power and one in which I give up power, I choose the one that gives me (and my clients) power every time.
So far, it’s worked out amazingly well.
How To Use This Knowledge
In this view of the universe, you can create anything because you already have. You only have to feel you have already done it, and the universe will create it on your behalf.
I’ve developed a way to do that and have used it to create a “against all odds” coaching business and amazing results for my clients.
To help you get started on creating an amazing 2023, I want to explain how you can create anything in this article. Using the Creating Extraordinary Futures Process?, I’ve created amazing things for myself and my clients. Things that simply did not seem possible, beyond any odds that you could have given me.
A Fundamental Change in Perspective—You Are Creating Your Experience of Life
The vast majority of us walk around believing that there is a world outside of us and that we are not in control of that world.
This is demonstrably false, on two levels.
First, while there is clearly a world “out there,” we can never directly experience it. As a simply matter of logic, our experience of world is 100 percent internal, 100 percent of the time. Your experience is different than mine. You have a different physical position, your senses might work slightly differently, so your sense of the physical world is unique to you.
So much of each of our experiences is the stories that we tell ourselves about what we see. And this are rooted in our personal histories and often hidden from us. (These stories are critical to the work that is part of the Process.)
Second, if you don’t find this convincing, there’s more. Human eyes can only detect, so far as we know, about 0.0035 percent of the electromagnetic energy that our instruments can detect. So it is clear that we are not observing the “world.” We’re observing a tiny piece of it, along with the stories that we tell ourselves about what we see.
Finally, remember that according to quantum physics, a “world” doesn’t even exist until there is an observer there to create/collapse it.
Moment by moment, we are creating the world we experience, and our experience of the world we have created. That created world, and our experience of it, changes every time our thoughts change. You might think one thing of your boss, or your spouse, in one moment, and in another moment they look completely different. The world you experience literally changes every time your thoughts change.
Learning to Change the World
When my clients see that their experience of the world is one hundred percent internal, one hundred percent of the time, AND constantly changing, they want to see how they can change it.
I generally discourage that, at least at first.
Because what you think you want and what you really want might actually be significantly different. And because once you see that your world changes on its own, it can change significantly just knowing this. Just seeing it.
Change Without Effort
There is a whole part of the coaching world, which goes by the name “Three Principles” or “Inside Out” that says that just seeing this mechanism is enough.
And in a lot of ways it is. You take your life a lot less seriously. You find that you can create a lot more when you understand your sense of worth isn’t riding on the result.
Seeing this can make your life a LOT easier. Your personal thinking, so much the preoccupation before, tends to fall away. And what is replaced feels much more like an impersonal wisdom that can be called on as needed. Almost like what Carl Jung called the “collective unconscious.”
The Sticky Residue
But some things remain. You still get triggered, and even though those triggers happen less often and last less long, they still happen.
You may know these are thoughts, but when they happen, they still feel real.
These patterns often were created in childhood, sometimes before you could even speak. And you won’t really be free until you are free of these patterns. Whether they show us as bodily sensations of danger, or rules that keep you safe and small.
They helped keep you safe at the time, but they don’t serve you any more.
Seeing Your Innocence
You innocently created yourself, sometimes decades ago, as someone who stayed small and safe. It no longer serves you. And with patience, with persistence, and with forgiveness, you can let go of these judgments of yourself that no longer serve who you want to become.
If you are like most people, this is why you have tried and tried and never succeeded at the level that you know is possible. Until this resistance moves from unconscious to conscious it will continue to get in your way. It will sabotage you in the name of safety.
The work of releasing the resistance, through exercises and practices that I create for each client, is the heart of the Creating Extraordinary Futures Process?. But it can’t happen until you truly see, you realize, the thought-created nature of your reality.
Creating Your Extraordinary Future
If you are like most people, you talk about dreams and then say things like, “I could never do that,” or “Who am I to think that I could have that?”
But the truth is you can. And at least in some part of the multiverse, you already have!
As I build my business, what shows up time and time again is that I am thinking too small, that more is available, that the impact of my message is much larger than making a good living as a coach. It feels scary, but I find when I feel most aligned with my purpose, I’m a little bit scared most of the time.
Invigorated, too.
How about you? What’s the call that you’ve been trying to ignore? What would it mean to you, to your family, to the world to create it?
Leadership is a Performance. Master your mindset, emotions, and presence to act your best in any situation, inspire trust, belonging, and premium results. Programs, workshops, talks, and coaching.
2 年Badass post
Entrepreneur, Teacher and Coach
2 年An excellent post! I love quantum physics, fractal mathematics and study consciousness. “We are the energy field of life itself” as stated by Dr David Hawkins. Believe you can and you will. All is possible #GoodVibes
This is an amazing and wonderful post and exactly what I needed to see and know today. I believe everything you said to be true and have been working these concepts into my daily practices and my client conversations. The trick is the confidence, knowing and visualizing life to feel as you want it to feel, not just look as you want it to look. It may unfold differently than you would have planned but it's amazing what confidently moving forward with a sense of knowing can do...especially when your mission includes helping others.