Why Style Matters...Or Does It?
In this article I’m going to talk about a man’s style journey and whether or not style matters. Umm, but Khoi, didn’t you write a piece about why style is worth caring about? I did, but hear me out…
It’s pretty cliché, but life is a journey. A wondrous ride filled with endless ups and downs, stagnation and breakthroughs.
In life—isn’t it all about the process of getting to wherever it is that you’re seeking to go? It’s about the people you meet, the things you learn, the discoveries you make, the experiences you have, and create along the way.
As you proceed, you’ll travel along various mini-journeys—one of them being the undefined path towards discovering your personal style. As with life, there are phases of a man’s style journey.
We all start off as beginners, then achieve some level of competence, and finally become an expert. Easy as 1, 2, 3…right?
As a man progresses from one level to the next, style becomes less important. I’ll explain why, but first I want to share the steps every man takes along his journey to better style.
Continue reading at GentlemanWithin.com.
Khoi is a Temple University graduate working as a creative the in advertising industry. He created Gentleman Within as a way to share his passions with the world. He believes that style is worth caring about. And that through style, men can become their best selves. Connect with him on Instagram and Twitter.