Why strength & balance is important.
Helen Tite iCareiMove
Training Provider - iCareiMove Health Consultancy - Specialists in Ageing in the Workplace, Menopause and the Older Adult
Strength and Balance are the two top elements required to stay steady on your feet and reduce falling. Why is it important? Because the cost of falls is only ever increasing and it is adding to the pressure on our beloved NHS. In this blog we discuss Barbara and why focusing on her strength and balance has in her words, saved her life!
Barbara came to iCareiMove’s Move More Zoom program with a progressive condition that causes her to be at risk of falling. She is much younger (71) than the rest of the group and has been active until recently. The pandemic has stopped her in her tracks, isolated, lonely and certainly less active.
Meet Barbara "The Faller" - Self Titled
It isn’t a question of “if she falls” it is more around “when she falls”. That is her world. Can you imagine living a life knowing that you will fall most days? We take our bodies for granted until they don’t function like they used to.
Barbara walked cautiously and with purpose – she says she walks like a penguin. It is not a natural movement for her but one that will means she is less likely to fall.
She couldn’t accept her new life falling – and still doesn’t. She gets cross.
Barbara tries to be the independent woman that she has always been and is frustrated at her body and how it is holding her back.
Become a Strength and Balance Totter coach with iCareiMove to help people like Barbara. Full Zoom day for just £149.
Exercise helps
So she comes to class, every week, without fail. She practises her exercises at home, without fail. We have progressed her and encouraged her, helped her up and advised her and she works so very hard. She has been taught that the evidence shows that when she performs specific movements, she will reduce her falls. She knows she needs to keep practising and moving forever.
And the results…
She sees improvements every week and so does her husband. He is not so worried about her now. She may not fall so much and she is getting back to the “old Barbara” and she has re-joined groups and is much happier. The improvements are amazing. She has been seen out and about walking around the shops and people can see the improvements. These comments are good for her soul. She is proud of her achievements and we are proud of her too.
Baby steps are still steps forward. That is all we ask, to be the best version of yourself and to “Trust the Process”. Her confidence has grown, she tells us she is brave and more organised around her daily activities. She carries a stick just in case she needs it. She sleeps better as she is active and her family have also noticed that her joy has come back.
So What?
Older Adults who are dealing with chronic health conditions can go 2 ways:
Frailty – be vulnerable, scared, fixed mindset about lifestyle changes, poor health, poor mental ill health.
Healthy Ageing – embrace wellness, be open to ideas to improve health, take guidance and measure the impact on your life. Have fun.
You can be a Strength and Balance Totter Coach. You can make a difference in people’s lives. You could be the change maker!
What do you need to be a Strength and Balance Totter Coach?
Passion! You have to love working with older people. Especially if you are someone who works in adult health and social care or a fitness professional. Get in touch with us at iCareiMove Coaching Academy and let us guide you towards the best ways to work with us.