WHY The Strange and ABSURD "Safety" Restrictions and Rules of this COVID Virus Imposed Upon the World By the ANTICHRIST System?
Ernesto Giro
Apostle, Evangelist, Prophet, "International Expert", Orator, Artist, Music Producer & Songwriter
The so called: "NEW NORMALITY" is truly ABNORMAL, AWKWARD, BEWILDERING, CONTROLLING, DICTATORIAL, EXTREME, FASCIST and a COMPLETE and ABSURD NON-SENSE according to many experts. And so we need to ask ourselves this question, what are the REAL reasons behind these excessive rules and regulations like: the "WASHING OF HANDS" continually, the mandatory "SOCIAL DISTANCING" and the "LOCK-DOWNS" and "FORCED QUARANTINES", the mandatory use of masks or "mouth coverings"? Why the mandatory checking of your temperature either on your forehead or on your hand or wrist before entering shopping malls and supermarkets, etc.? Why the fumigation and spraying of people and vehicles constantly? Why have ALL governments and leaders have subjected their citizens to such "ODD" and "AUSTERE" rules as a "strict" way to deal with a virus pandemic that is simply a "farce" and is in reality just another COLD? Well in order to answer this questions we need to UNDERSTAND who is really behind this so called: "PANDEMIC", in other words who are really "pulling the strings" and trying to CONTROL THE WORLD using the COVID-19 as a way to do so? And the answer is as I have made PLAIN in many of my writings before: the GLOBAL ELITE headed by the Pope of Rome and the JESUITS! And in this article, I will explain the reasons and "symbolic meanings" of each and every single one of these strict rules and regulations that are imposed upon us! And you will be SHOCKED, DUMBFOUNDED and SURPRISED to find out that there is no REAL medical basis nor need for any of these rules. "About two weeks ago, the World Health Organization called for more scientific study into airborne transmission of COVID-19." CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS? They are now trying to purport and claim that the virus could be "airborne" as well so again in order to bring in more paranoia and FEAR and PANIC upon the people. It's CRAZY!
1-The Mandatory Use of Masks-Any TRUE medical specialist and doctor will tell you "straight-forward" that the use of these masks can produce a serious condition called: "ACIDOSIS" due to the fact you are breathing "in and out" your own "carbon dioxide" and so actually it is "non-effective" and counterproductive as to avoiding contamination. The REAL reason they want you to wear this mask is because they are trying to strip us of ALL our "God given" freedoms, liberties and RIGHTS! Like the RIGHT TO FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION for example. They want to see us with our "mouth covered" as a sign and symbol of subjection and subjugation, that we may not have our voices heard nor PROTEST against their "wicked" and perverse TOTALITARIAN rules and ways! Remember these people are truly "symbolic language" FREAKS! They want to keep us at bay and QUIET! Specially TRUE Ministers of God like me who PREACH and SPEAK the PLAIN and SIMPLE TRUTH OF GOD! Just this morning my wife went with our dog to the neighborhood park near our house and she said some dude dressed all in black with a black "mask" on was trying to stop her from entering the park without a mask, and she told him: "Out of my way or my dog will rip you to shreds!" "I will not wear the stupid mouth covering nor be a slave of the system" she said and the guy took off and let her alone. I told her: "He has to be thankful to God that I wasn't there with you!" "Because he would have encountered this Cuban-American Apostle of God with the whole fiery indignation and fury of God, that would have made good old Samson look like a baby in diapers." You know let me tell you something about people with dark glasses and dark and black clothing on, they are simply SATANIC and it's a tall tale sign they are the devil's children! Why do you think the Secret Service, the Pope's bodyguards, and many governmental police agencies wear black and dark glasses? Why do you think Catholic priests, Rabbis and Muslim women wear black clothing? The three main religions of this world: Catholicism, Judaism and Islam are purely Satanic in nature! Roman Catholicism is the BEAST power, Judaism is based on Kabbalistic teachings and philosophies of Zionist Jews like the Zohar, the Kabbalah, the Talmud, etc. remember these are the descendants of the Pharisees of Jesus's day whom He himself called them: "the children of the devil" and finally the religion of Islam was founded by the Jesuits, you see their so called prophet: "Muhammad" was married to a nun who introduced him to the Jesuits and they conspired to create this new religion back then in order to take some pressure off the Catholic church for being the sole religion at the time persecuting the TRUE saints of God. Why do you think Salman Rushdie called the "Quran" an "unholy" and satanic book when he wrote "The Satanic Verses" even their so called god "Allah" is a female deity, I bet you didn't know that! Why do you think their pilgrimage to Mecca consists of going around and around a BLACK BOX? Does that make sense? Why do you think most Hollywood and music celebrities wear dark glasses ALL the time when in public even at NIGHT? They are ALL in a secret "pact" with Satan the Devil, every single ONE OF THEM! Now this is not to say that now everyone who wears a black "tux" is Satanic or a lady who wears a dark "night dress" or lingerie is also a satanist, but you ALL know what I mean DON'T YOU? By the way black cats are not EVIL either! So let's not get carried away now with a lot of "superstition" please!
2-the Forced Quarantine, Mandatory Confinement and Isolation-This is a way to keep us "indoors" and sort of incarcerate us in our own homes, so we don't get to go out and enjoy the "outdoors" and come into contact with nature as often as we would like to and behold the CREATION! They don't want us to remember that there is a CREATOR who gave us certain freedoms and liberties to live by. This is an "Anti-Christ" ideology and rule! WHY? Because Christ came "to proclaim LIBERTY to the captives, and the opening of the (home) prison to those that are bound (by strict confinement measures)" (Isaiah, 61:1). This way also they can control those who may want to come out and PROTEST against their "wicked actions". Please watch the video below of how the president of Ghana exposes ALL this wicked AGENDA!
The video is in English and with Spanish subtitles and it was uploaded to YouTube by Manolo Papafritas (Frenchfries) but please watch it and pay close attention to what he reads! WE HAVE BEEN LIED TO! The Bible mentions in Revelation, 12:9 that "Satan the Devil has deceived THE WHOLE WORLD!" As I have mentioned many times before in my writings, the Satanic GLOBAL ELITE have created this PANDEMIC as a means to install into place their NEW WORLD ORDER! It's ALL about "controlling the masses" and simply using the powers that be, like the U.N., the WHO, the military, etc. to establish their "wicked" and "perverse" COMMUNIST agenda in ALL THE WORLD! That's why PLEASE DO NOT BELIEVE HEADLINES LIKE THESE: "WHO reports record number of new corona virus cases as death toll nears 600,000" nor any other MEDIA or NEWS stories about this virus, THEY ARE ALL LIES! YOU NEED TO SPEAK UP AGAINST THESE "CRAZY" RULES! It's ALL bout instilling FEAR and PANIC on the masses, THAT'S ALL!
3-the Social Distancing-The idea behind this is very similar to the one regarding the "forced" confinement, yet even more devastating and INCREDIBLY "unnecessary". Any Bible scholar knows that JESUS enjoyed having the multitudes around him, and this is why this restriction is also "ANTICHRIST"! Number ONE because it strips us of our "FREEDOM TO ASSEMBLE and CONGREGATE"! Again they want to keep us apart in order to "divide and conquer" and even keep our very loved ones at a distance using this "fake" and "phony" pandemic as an excuse to KEEP US APART! In this they are fulfilling two scriptures: one is found in the book of Matthew, 24: 12: "And because (Satanic, illogical) iniquity shall abound (by creating this distancing), the love of many shall wax cold" And the second one is found in Heb, 13:25: "Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another; and so much the more, as ye see the day (of Christ's coming) approaching." You see they know JESUS is coming soon, so they are trying to keep us TRUE Christians from congregating with the excuse of this Corona Virus pandemic.
4-the Washing of Hands-What is the meaning of this? Well think logically, when you open your faucet to wash your hands, you must logically touch its handle and knob with your dirty hands to make the water run RIGHT? So what happens after you wash your hands? You touch the same handle or knob that was supposedly "infected" DIDN'T YOU? So the REAL reason they want you to do this "symbolic" exercise is as a mockery to CHRIST and a very evident sign of this Roman system of the ANTICHRIST to symbolically take away all "guilt" and sinfulness (which ONLY can be taken out through the precious blood of Jesus) quite out of your hands by WASHING YOUR HANDS" just like Pilate did when he decided to crucify Christ even knowing that there was "no fault found in Him" and by doing so putting the blame on someone else in this case: "the Jews"! What the GLOBAL ELITE who created this virus in a U. S. lab in Ft. Derick, are trying to do is to put the blame of it on China as their "escape-goat" and that's how they are "WASHING THEIR HANDS" in the process. So they want you to do the SAME! Remember is all about SYMBOLISM! My friends this is why they want you to get accustomed and conditioned to get your hands or foreheads checked for temperature before entering any establishment. This is a way of preparing YOU (psychologically) to accept the MARK OF THE BEAST!
The reason why they fumigate and spray you and your car with this "fumigation" fluid is symbolically to show you that you are a subject of the Vatican and the Catholic church! Haven't you noticed nor seen how the Catholic Bishops, Popes, and Priests sprinkle the masses with so called: "Holy" water (which is really very "unholy") in their Catholic services? Just F.Y.I. Anthony Fauci and Tedros Adhana are both Jesuits and "Freemasons". Fauci is a well known "elitist" and member of Club Bilderberger, and Tedros was a Marxist leader during the Cuban/Angola war in Angola. The U.N. is under the rule of the Pope just as ALL nations are! Please open up your eyes and see the TRUTH for what it is! IT IS WHAT IT IS! Do not fall for their LIES and this "SECRET AGENDA" to rule the world in a very EVIL, suppressive system and TOTALITARIAN COMMUNIST RULE!
The Bible says that we have to be subject to the authorities (Rom, 13:1) But another Scripture found in Colossians, 2:8: reads: "Beware lest any man (like Fauci or Tedros) spoil you through (wicked medical) philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments (rules, regulations) of the world, and not after Christ." Also notice the warning of the apostle Paul regarding this on 1 Timothy 4:1-3: "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times (the days we are living in now) some shall depart from the faith (by allowing this "social distancing" to take over their lives), giving heed to seducing spirits (the demons that direct our leaders like Donald Trump and the rest of prime ministers and presidents in Europe and America), and doctrines of devils (this so called: NEW NORMALITY); Speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their conscience seared with a hot iron; Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the TRUTH!" And so the only church I know that "forbids its priests to marry" and they tell their church members to "abstain from eating meats on so called: "GOOD FRIDAY" is the Catholic church isn't it? This is the Roman system that comes up with ALL these very "restrictive" rules and regulation by a direct order of the JESUITS! Now Paul tells TRUE Christians in Colossians, 2: 20-22: "Wherefore if ye be dead with Christ from the rudiments (again the rules, regulations, etc.) of the world, why, as though living in the world, are ye subject to (ridiculous) ordinances, (Touch not; taste not; handle not; "DON'T DO THIS! DON'T DO THAT! Which ALL are to perish with the using; ) after the commandments and doctrines of men?" And in Romans, 12:2: He says: "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, acceptable, and perfect, will of God." This is why as you can see in the picture below, I don't wear any masks, and I walk about "freely" and I am not subject to any "worldly" authority ONLY TO GOD! I think it's about time you also WAKE UP! The WHO has ordered ALL medical clinics, hospitals and organization to label "every single death" as COVID-!9 and to the media and NEWS agencies worldwide to exaggerate and increment the numbers of the dead by the pandemic!
God will keep me safe from ANY PANDEMIC according to Psalm 91 so I AM FEARLESS! "For God hath not given us (TRUE Christians) the spirit of FEAR; but of POWER, and of love, and of a SOUND MIND!" 2 Timothy, 1:7. And Psalm, 27: 1-5 reads: "The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh (spiritually speaking), they stumbled and fell. Though a host (an army) should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear: though war should rise against me, in this will I be confident. One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD ALL the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to inquire in His temple. For in the time of trouble He shall hide me in His pavillion (place of safety): in the secret of His tabernacle shall He hide me; He shall set me upon a rock."