Why stay in this toxic relationship?

Why stay in this toxic relationship?

Oh, love.

Remember that feeling of butterflies when you had a 'special someone' around? We all have a love story (or two) — not judging — some may or may not have had a happy ending.

But what if we told you there's a love bond happening in our lives right now, one so persuasive that we might not even realize it's there? (We are blindfolded by its comfort).

It is literally with us everywhere we go, whether to a picnic, party, or on a trek! Moreover, it dominates or rules our homes. And this love story has impacted not just us but everyone around us.

Yes, we're talking about a more insidious love bond – one that's slowly choking our oceans, clogging our landfills, and leaving a trail of microplastics wherever it goes. Yes, friends, it's time to confront the truth: we're in a toxic relationship with plastic.

The worst part?

We keep enabling this toxic behavior! We buy bottled water when good tap water exists (seriously, what's next, bottled air?). We hoard plastic bags like a squirrel with a nut obsession (don't you have one big bag filled with all those plastic bags?) We buy a plastic prison for a perfectly good banana (Is the banana peel not enough?) We rely on single-use plastic containers for everything. Is taking a reusable bag for shopping really that much trouble compared to the mountains of plastic headed for landfills?

The danger is undeniable, the consequences are staring at us. But just like in any toxic relationship, we choose to ignore and cling to this so-called love out of habit or convenience.

In 2025, more than 600 million tons of plastic will be produced globally. Recycling systems are not able to handle this much plastic: the only thing that will help is a reduction in the production and use of plastic.

The good news? Becoming an eco-warrior and breaking up with plastic is hard but VERY, VERY POSSIBLE. Oh, c'mon, who doesn’t want to be rescued from the deadly disaster of our planet being choked by plastic?

In our next blog, we'll reveal 'An Easy Guide to Breaking Up with Plastic,' where we'll share some tactics to ditch this so-called love (plastic addiction).

Get ready, eco-warriors, because breaking up with plastic can be the start of a beautiful, sustainable love story with Mother Nature.

Follow us for the next part! #TomorrowStartsToday


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