Why is the state of Israel so important?

Why is the state of Israel so important?

About myself

Why do I write this article, after all I’m a software engineer not a writer, I’m not a historian I don’t hold formal degrees. That is true, but my goal and purpose is to reach the history as I understood it, so we shall never repeat it again

I have reached this knowledge by focusing my study on the WW2 and specifically on the eastern front, being a “Russian” though born in Moldova made it somewhat interesting

I started with the great battles and great operations and great generals and felt satisfied but again I couldn’t answer the questions mentioned above

The more I studied the history of the war the more I realised what dire state the German people were and the army, and how the economical crisis in Germany never really disappeared

I also learned how bad were some of the decisions of Hitler generals and high ranking officers, to the point that I started doubting the idea that Hitler ??? was mad

So this is the part of the article that is supposed to make everything easy to understand?


This is the part of the article which if not put you in shock didn’t do it’s purpose

I live in Israel, I love Israel and am very proud of it, I am aware that it has negative sides to it also, as any other human made organisation ever created on earth

I grew here in Israel though not born here, I think the fact I was born in the former Soviet Union made this journey easier

For the last 5 years I have studied world history with the aim to understand the questions which I didn’t know how to answer, as a young man graduating from high school and as a 30 years old man, graduating from the university

In Israel as part of the school program we study about the horrific historic event called the holocaust, I used to think that every Israeli is an expert in the Holocaust but inside I always felt that the most important questions I had were unanswered

The questions

1 Why did Adolf ??? Hitler hated Jews so much? Why did he go to such measures to exterminate them?

2 Was Adolf Hitler (??? ???? ?????) a madman as the post war narrative suggests? A narrative created in the Nuremberg trials by those who served him for over a decade

3 Why did Hitler attack the Soviet Union? What made confident he could win?

4 Why did this man used oil which was in huge deficit (to power his war machine), to transport millions of people to be executed?

5 Why did this man, used food which was also in great deficit in Germany and among its fighting troops on two fronts against the worlds strongest powers, to feed the SS battalions which were in charge of the actual operation and had zero benefit from military point of view?

6 How did the German people follow him so blindly, what did he promise them? 

7 What does it mean to be a national socialist ideologist and how can we recognise the next Hitler ????

8 Why is the state of Israel so important from this Holocaust historical point of view? Was it just guilt that persuade the leaders of the world to grant the Jews lend?


During the 19th century many new pseudo racial theories started to emerge, all in those countries in which this kind of theories will benefit them by justifying the cruel colonialism and later the apartheid and the Holocaust and slavery and you name it

What started what? From my study I come to the firm belief that cruelty and ever growing hunger for resources gave life to these theories and not the other way around, a good friend of mine asked me, but didn’t they study the good qualities of those they found beneath their race hierarchy (a term we will come to know in a couple of paragraphs), and the answer is definitely not!

The colonialism was already a thing when Darwinism became a thing, we read in horror about the COVID 19 mutations but believe we, the mutations derived from the Darwinism killed many many more people then any virus could

The first of these was called the “social Darwinism”, in very simple terms we take the deeply proven by rigorous science of the Darwinism statement : “survival of the fittest” and we use that to justify slavery for e.x, we ignore the fact that Darwin himself was against this idea 

This theories of Social Darwinism played into the hands of those who hung heroes, by explains why the white American male has a right to enslave the African American , it’s because by nature the first mentioned is fitter to survive, by god if you just run that thought through your mind, it might even make a little sense

But and here is the BUT, the Darwinism was backed by thousands of studied , which were conducted in plants and insects, while the Social Darwinism besides appealing to some logic has NONE, it’s what they call today Fake news, it’s not based on anything

One of the additional mutations arising from Darwinism is the “national social Darwinism”, so you might be asking yourselves now what’s the big deal?! Adding the word National

And my friends it is a big deal, this small paragraph will start answering some of the questions I didn’t understand most my life

The pseudo on the verge of shamanism (which might have more science in it) principle of national social Darwinism is the notion that Darwinism is true for Nations, some deserve to live and some others, and it’s natural, after all its the survival of the fittest

For e.x, if a bear goes hungry and sees a lamb, it is the natural thing that it will devour it, the bear appetite has a higher degree of naturalist then the lambs life, I agree with this even that the idea finds me kinda uncomfortable, I agree that the act of killing in this case is justified by the notion “survival of the fittest” 

Another example is the giraffe that evolves to eat the fruits and leaves on the highest of trees, while those giraffes that didn’t died, nature is cruelty sometimes what can you do?

But then we go back to the national social Darwinism and during the 19th century start to read in magazines and books and in all places claim to be smart, that this principle applies to nations, if a nation goes hungry and there is a nation near by that can be fed on , it’s the natural thing to do, to devour it without a second thought 

And from that silly though that Nations are like bears, another kind of theories grew, we call them today the racist theories, these theories tried to answer : what makes a nation strong and what makes a nation weak, such as the claws and size and mass of the bear make it strong and the lack of aggression but abundance of fat tissue makes the lamb weak

And by claiming to study the history (which they didn’t) of the great nations such as the Roman Empire and the Greek empire (but strangely not the Persian empire or the Inca) this “scholars” reached to the conclusion which was so desired by their patrons, that the race of this empires made them strong and as they went on and conquered weaker nations under their rule, this nations were mixed with the original Arian people and eventually polluted the nation blood

Does this start to sound familiar, it should, and remember this is only the background, this fake news , this mutation of a mutation of Darwinism , not backed by any scientific data, in an era when there already was real science, lead to the belief that what makes a nation weak is the nations it integrated into it by conquest

Kinda like the ridiculous analogy that the bear ate the lamb, but this lamb made the bear weaker, see how this analogy becomes absurd here, but imagine that the worst kind of person read it and found it fascinating , yes this was Adolf ??? Hitler 

About Germany

Many don’t know but this individual read lots of books, and among it he found especially those talking about the theories we discussed in the background, after he served in the WW1 and together with many other patriots who witnessed the destruction of the second reich

The notion that the Germanic nation is a loser , that it’s a weak nation, led him to the religious dogma that the reason Germany doesn’t fulfil its potential, why it’s a dog and not a Wolf, are the weak blood swallows by it, this conviction followed him to death, if you want to make a plant grow you add water and sun and minerals , but if you want to be a bear nation, an empire to devour what ever you want and be the fittest is extermination of that blood that makes your nation weak

When He said that the Jews were to blame for the loss in WW1, this is what he really thought that the shear presence of the Jewish blood in Germany was what led, he never believed in these theories of Jews that rule the world, but he understood that he had to somehow make the regular starving German joe to believe it also

An important fact about Germany in the 19th century is that it was extremely industrial and experienced a cultural boom, in all aspects , but it was never a strong nation, cause no matter how much industry you have you can’t create food on a frozen soil and no matter how much coal you turn to a synthetic oil it’s never enough

Germany always had to trade oil and food with its neighbours who had rich soil, such as Russia which had a rich soil in Ukraine, Poland, United States and Venezuela

Hitler ??? realised that the reason Germany always lacks the oil and food even that it was extremely developed was the fact that, according to the diminishing markets theory (which he mentioned all the time in his books) after a country with less of an industrialised nature trade with Germany for its goods in exchange for food and oil eventually this rural state also reaches some industrial state in which it can trade less food and less oil since it can eventually create its own industrial goods

If some of you asked what led Germany to start WW1 , and start to connect the dots of czarist Russia getting its industrialisation so late, it’s because it is so, Germany didn’t really have a choice in this sense but to engage a war in which it can capture land with food and oil, this man wrote about this extensively in his first book

But Germany failed, with all its industrial might and self discipline it was humiliated in the end of WW1, most of the lands that it conquered for the purpose of food and oil were stripped and hunger and depression and poverty were a very common phenomena in Germany, when he tried to answer this question of how this happened, how can his nation be a bear which not only didn’t eat the lamb but got handicap by trying?

And the answer was there, as mentioned above the Jews were the reason, not directly, he knew many Jews were poor, he knew many Jews fought the war, he knew that but the only “logical” explanation he reached was that the nation can’t live its potential because of the bad blood polluting it

This is why in the midst of the WW2 when it was starting to be obvious that the Soviet Union is not a lamb, and Germany is not a wolf, He only increased the amount of food and oil spent on the final solution, and decreased the rations of food and oil in Germany domestics and army, imagine it as a religious man holding to his ideology, why are we not winning, it’s because of the Jews, they are still polluting our nations blood

When I started to create this article I was worried time wouldn’t allow me to write it in a single part, and now it is so

During this part 1 we realised what the fake news pseudo scientific background of the Nazi party, we learned about the German economy in 19th century and first third of the 20th century, we answered part of the question, but not the most important, why is the state of Israel so important this and more I would like to lay before you in the second part of the article 

Thank you for reading, I hope some of the most fundamental parts of the our dark human history was revealed even if lightly


Edgar M. Barber

Svetlana Ratnikova

CEO @ Immigrant Women In Business | Social Impact Innovator | Global Advocate for Women's Empowerment

7 个月

???? ??? ?? ?? ???????? ??? ?????? ???? ?????? ???: ?????? ????? ??? ??????? ????? ????? ?????? ??????. https://chat.whatsapp.com/BubG8iFDe2bHHWkNYiboeU

Rony Michaely


4 年

Well, On your next post I suggest you will write about your suggested revolutionary design to Firmware attestation and EC/FPGA integrated components for Hardware/Firmware attack protection and if it will be inspiring I'll offer you much more beneficial Job than Apple. Regarding history, your cognition is still unstructured and my guess is that you were not in combative role in the Army. Know thyself, Know thy enemy. Zoom out and zoom in. Zoom out from the Jewish tragedy and you will understand that ethnical cleansing and genocides are inherent parts of humanity, till this day. Hitler was many mentally sick things, but he was not insane. I do recommend to read Mein Kampf uncensored, you may find his narcissism very exhausting. Study the person, track his inferiority complex, sexual neurosis, admiration for strength and power that were lacking in his own image, admiration for conquests and Genghis Khan, envy of the British Empire. Only then focus on his Antisemitism that was certainly not unique in those days. Carl Jung rightfully said that Hitler was the unconscious of 78 Million Germans. It is common to think of Antisemitism as a form of discrimination that is based on feelings of superiority over the Jewish people, it is actually based on feelings of inferiority. The German Jewish people were indeed more successful than their neighbors. When we ask ourselves what the hell they wanted from the poor Polish Jews, even those poor Polish Jews were in better shape than their neighbors. You can even see it today, it is much harder to fight against hate for those you perceive as more successful than you. Even the violent expressions of this hate are different, people don't usually want to kill those who acknowledge their superiority. 1600 years of blood libels, pogroms and massacres by the Roman church exploded into common Germans and their allies committing horrifying atrocities & genocide. I'll continue on your next history post, unless you want to shift the discussion to AI processors & next generation EC/FPGA designs. Cheers



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