Why Starbucks runs the world
I am not angry! I am just going to point this out to all of you who are rushing around trying to pull out your boots and sweaters!
Today is the first day of fall! It wasn't fall when Starbucks decided they needed to sell more coffee in the heat of August and introduced their Pumpkin Spice everything into our lives. While I am holding on to summer like a child holding onto their favorite toy, retailers and yes, Starbucks, are trying to push my life into boots and sweaters.
I think we need to stand up and say NO NO NO! I will not be rushed through these "Dog days of summer" or "I want to still swim in my pool." Just because kids are back in school and football is back doesn't mean we have to get out of our "lazy days of summer" mind set.
Just because Starbucks, Target and every Mall in America tells us Christmas is coming - we don't have to buy into it.
This mentality of rushing through life is exactly why we all begin to feel stressed to do do do. Now don't get me wrong, I believe we should have goals and accomplish and do excellent work but at what cost and in what time? And I love a little Pumpkin spice added to my coffee or muffin but not until I feel I am ready. And I know that Cinnamon has health benefits - it can lower blood sugar, triglycerides, LDL, and total cholesterol in people with type 2 diabetes.
What I am saying is we need to savor the spices of life and I feel like we let marketers and advertisers push too hard. We must fight against this idea of Fourth of July to Halloween to Christmas to Valentine's Day to Easter to Fourth of July etc or you will find yourself 10 years older in a blink.
So how do we do this? It's easy - organize our day and our time. Spend each evening, reviewing your "to dos" for the next day, then make sure you build in sometime to enjoy lunch outside with a co-worker or client; walk around the block during your break and enjoy a nice Lemonade in the afternoon - this will surely make you feel like it is summer. Soak up those rays of sun as they will be important to keep you healthy and happy when the sky isn't as blue or sunny.
I just say, take a look around you and enjoy - don't let the retailers make you run faster from holiday to holiday.
Director Of Business Development at Stryker Demolition & Environmental Services
7 年Pumpkin in my coffee Pumpkin in beer. When will this madness end?!