Why STAR FIRE Is One Reliable AOC(Active Optical Cable)
Manufacturer Vendor?

Why STAR FIRE Is One Reliable AOC(Active Optical Cable) Manufacturer Vendor?

STAR FIRE is a reliable manufacturer and vendor of active optical cables (AOCs) for several reasons:

  1. Quality Components: STAR FIRE uses high-quality components such as PD Chipsets from a reputable German brand, Silicon-line, and VCSELs from Philips/II-VI. These components are known for their reliability and performance.
  2. Superior Raw Materials: STAR FIRE utilizes OM3 fiber for better stability and performance compared to cheaper alternatives like OM1 or OM2. We also use 99.99% OFC (Oxygen-Free Copper) instead of CCS (Copper-Clad Steel), ensuring better durability and conductivity.
  3. Enhanced Construction: STAR FIRE employs double-layer aluminum foil shielding and Kevlar filling, which provides better protection against interference and mechanical stress. This construction results in higher tensile strength and durability.
  4. Stringent Testing Procedures: STAR FIRE conducts thorough pre-testing on modules, an 8-hour aging test, and additional modular and finished item tests at extreme temperatures (-40°C to 85°C). These tests ensure the reliability and stability of their AOCs under various conditions.
  5. Extensive Function Testing: STAR FIRE performs more than 15 times of testing procedures covering various branded equipment, ensuring compatibility and performance across different systems.
  6. Proven Track Record: With almost 8 years of experience in producing and selling AOCs, STAR FIRE has a track record of delivering quality products. Our 20K capability per month and a history of producing over 1000K AOCs demonstrate expertise and reliability.
  7. Customer Satisfaction: Having served over 50 branded clients, STAR FIRE's focus on quality, lifetime, stability, and consistency has garnered trust and satisfaction among our clients

Based on these factors, STAR FIRE can be considered a reliable manufacturer and vendor of AOCs, offering high-quality products backed by extensive testing and experience.

For any inquire, Pls. contact us at [email protected]

Discover more: www.starfirecableshubs.com


