Why is speeding not a taboo?
Speeding kills more people than drink driving but its not something we are ashamed of. In fact many of us will boast or brag about "flooring it" or "doing a ton". I like many am guilty of exceeding the speed limit primarily on motorways but more recently as I have been out running on city streets I have been better able to see what excessive speed looks like close up and it angers and scares me.
In recent days the news here in the UK has carried stories about multi car pile up's where speed was a significant factor and pedestrian deaths where again speed was a causal factor. Speeding should be as taboo as drink driving as this BBC film brilliantly shows but sadly it isn't and it wrecks more lives than drink driving - do watch it if you have a couple of minutes.
There is nothing clever about people driving at 60 or 70 mph in 20 or 30 mph zones. The time to react to someone pulling out of a side street, stopping suddenly or running into the road is minimal but clearly its a risk worth taking for the idiot boy or girl racer - yes girls like speed too as I found out last week when one turned sharply with no indicator at speed almost mowing me down.
Fast cars and speed is macho, guys like Clarkson have made millions road testing the next big fast wet dream of a car, and they are the ultimate objects of desire. Let's face it no one buys a Ferrari 458 or Bugatti Veyron to pootle along at 30 mph! In fairness chances are if you have one of those cars you are more likely to drive sensibly for fear of damage to your beloved vehicle, but drop a few rungs down the ladder to a sporty saloon or a hot hatch and you have no such hang up's about driving like Lewis Hamilton in a 30 mph zone, in fact its a must do as you are too busy and speed limits are for muppets.
I personally cannot wait for the day when in-car automation reads the road and limits speed - yes its a bit Big Brother but if it stops some crazy speed freak from mowing me down then I'm all for it. In- car computers are less likely to want to impress their mates or a girl by feeling the need for speed.