Why It Is Sometimes Life-Saving To Break All Rules!

Why It Is Sometimes Life-Saving To Break All Rules!

In the last edition of this Newsletter, I told you that it is sometimes important to break some rules...?

...now, let me rephrase it:?

Sometimes It Is Life-Saving To Break All The Rules!

I just recorded and uploaded a video for you , sharing for the very first time in public how I was breaking all rules to save the life —or lives— of my son and my daughter. And they have not even been for 2 minutes on earth.

I promised you the story of the birth of my twins and how Quantum Leaps did help to do something fantastic.

Something far beyond those things our rational mind could deal with…?

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I had to break the video into two parts as LinkedIn has some length restrictions.?

I wish this 1st part will bring a lot of value to you, opening up to completely new terrain of possibilities! Because when this is possible, what else can be possible, for you, too…

And in part two, next week, you will learn why my 15 minutes young newborn was getting in the ambulance with blue light and sirens to another hospital, ending in an incubator, despite the fact that he was already totally well.

You will know how leaps transformed the huge gap in development he was having, while his sister had from the very first moment the hugs and love of her mother and how it was possible, after bringing my family together again, to accomplish that after some months just everything was well again.

I really believe that “any other” would have lost at least one of his loves.

My love Gina said after this “ride” that:

I am so proud of you, that you did break all these rules. I'm convinced that every other would have lost ALL their happiness in that special night.

I am amazed —time and again— of how these Quantum Leaps do work and I thank God for the lives of my children Yumi & Lenny, the love of my lives, Gina, and our family.


Tomorrow, Thursday at 8 pm (20:00h) I will give a free online-training on how to make a quantum leap with your Top #1 Best Selling Book.

This will be my FIRST training of this kind in English. (And: Yes I'm nervous!)

If you are interested in knowing how to Let Joy Work For You, if you wish to do your leap, and when you want to know how to become a Top #1 Best Selling Author, this training will bring you huge value!

You must register to attend, below is the link to the event:

==> https://www.gisbertreuter.com/livestream-register-20220707

In addition, please see this post: https://www.dhirubhai.net/posts/gisbertreuter_letjoyworkforyou-dotheleap-activity-6950049720975163393-ibQx?utm_source=linkedin_share&utm_medium=member_desktop_web

Have a wonderful week —?in the next edition, you will get “Part II” of my twin's birth-story.?

I will be thrilled to have you with us tomorrow in the free online training live-stream

Love and gratitude:

Gisbert Reuter

Do The Leap!


