Why some leaders don't speak
Continuing my series on "Why Leaders will have to preach, with words and often without words", today I was wondering that why some of the people/leader are more preachy and some less, here is my take on it:
#1: Care, people who preach have no intention to be considered a higher starred being, they are too busy learning the next chapter of life but when they have learned something, they see the value of it, so they want others to benefit from it, why, they all have generosity gene .. Jack Welch said
"If a leader didn't desperately want to give raises, to promote people, if he didn't get as much satisfaction from other people's success as he did from his own ... I didn't see that as well as I should have. I have never seen a great leader that didn't have the generosity gene. "
#2: They are Shameless, they know a lot of people don't like them for preaching but they only care of the handful who are getting immensely benefited from that. I remember, someone told me when I went on stage to translate speeches, look at people who are appreciating you, don't look at people who are making faces.
#3: They Grow - By sharing, they also get new ideas, people who care, they come together to discuss further, they grow as a group.
But innovation comes from people meeting up in the hallways or calling each other at 10:30 at night with a new idea, or because they realized something that shoots holes in how we've been thinking about a problem. Steve Jobs
#4: They are confident, they don't care to be perfect, they know perfection is a myth, it is the intent to be perfect that is making them better everyday, not the label perfect. As long as you are giving your 100%, you are perfect, as thats the only thing one can do.
So get on, keep sharing https://aji.techshu.com/i-poop-therefore-i-am/