Why are some grocery chains taking short cuts in cleanliness?

Why are some grocery chains taking short cuts in cleanliness?

Why are some grocery store chains cutting back on cleanliness, starting at the front entrance? Dec 1- the COVID #s are still staggering, and the profit lines of many big business like major grocery brands are making record profits.

I saw first hand 11/30 in Phoenix at a local Fry's (part of Krogers) a surprising shortcut- AGAIN, even with record corporate results.

For example, Kroger Reports Second Quarter Financial Results https://ir.kroger.com/CorporateProfile/press-releases/press-release/2020/Kroger-Reports-Second-Quarter-2020-Results-and-Updates-Full-Year-2020-Guidance/default.aspx

  • 2020 Results and Updates ( $ in millions ) Profit $820
  • 2Q19 Results and Updates ( $ in millions ) Profit $559
  • 2020 $894M Adjusted FIFO Operating Profit
  • 2019 $626M Adjusted FIFO Operating Profit

I do wonder why Walmart, Target, Home Depot, Ace Hardware and other stores within a mile of this FRYs store ALL CONTINUE TO HAVE SOMEONE CLEANING THE CARTS, WHILE THIS FRYS STORE DOES NOT CLEAN CARTS AND ON 11/30 HAD ONLY AN INOPERATIVE WIPE DISPENSER AT THE DOOR.


https://www.eatthis.com/grocery-stores-not-disinfecting-grocery-carts/ Oct 19, 2020

Some super markets have relaxed safety rules like one-way aisles and single entrance and exits in the months since the coronavirus pandemic began. The CDC recommends a number of other guidelines consumers can take to reduce the risk of transmission, including social distancing, only touching products you plan to buy, and shopping online when possible. Following these guidelines is more important than ever, especially since some grocery stores apparently aren't disinfecting shopping carts on a regular basis.

From that article:

"Phoenix-area managers of Fry's Food Stores told Downtown Devil that their locations had not disinfected grocery carts in a month. The employees said they were following corporate owner Kroger's lead. "It came down [from corporate] that we do not need to [sanitize] anymore," a manager named Tiffany said.

One customer claimed that there were no wipes available for sanitation purposes. Another manager, Steven Williams, said wipes were available. Williams added that carts still get sanitized, though not every week."

I am disappointed to be sharing this observation.

My career in hospitality has always included appropriate and better than average standards in cleanliness and in customer service. I had better expectations than this.

John J Hogan


John J. Hogan, CHA CMHS CHE CHO的更多文章

