Why are some documents secured?
Joshua Wertheim
You are almost certainly at risk of internal users removing confidential information from your systems without your knowledge—it may have already happened. My mission is to help you stop it.
When you create a new document and you mark it as 'secured", or "classified", or however you indicate that the document isn't intended for public consumption, have you ever thought to yourself "I'm securing this document because if others saw it, we'd have issues", and then thought about what those issues would be, and the damage it would cause if others saw it, and what it would take to resolve the issues that would result, and how it might affect your career or other peoples' careers, or perhaps if it mentions a client, how they might be affected, or if it mentions employees what it would mean for them, or if it discusses finances how it might get the attention of regulators, or if it discusses unannounced products how it might help the competition, or anything else that might happen that might be bad for business?
Neither did I. I just marked the document, set the trustees, and forgot about it.
I assumed those trustees wouldn't want to steal the document, but I trusted them, as did everyone.
And then one of those trustees stopped coming in to work.. He stopped answering his phone.. And I just heard that he quit. So the CISO had one of her people check the logs and found he had downloaded a ton of documents, including this one, before he quit.
Can you believe that?