Why Soft Skills Matter
March Roundup: A shout out to Keith Romp at Polk County Sheriff’s Office for organizing the DMPD Edged Weapons CQB and Weapons Retention training plus the PreFense lecture at Brownell’s HQ in Grinnell, IA. Looking for more on “Gray Man” training? see my USCCA Magazine article Why Soft Skills Matter. Take 30 seconds to watch my latest Recoil TV Karambit demo
OSINT References: In a violent physical encounter, any personal injury greater than the need for a band-aid, can render you combat ineffective. At a minimum, you should consider what the pros carry, a good trauma kit or at least a quality first aid kit.
April Training Announcements: Improvised Weapons April 1-2 at Shooter’s World, Phoenix, AZ; PreFense lecture April 8-9 at the USCCA Expo, Dallas TX; Terrorist Mindset lecture April 20-21 at the MTU Symposium (invitation only), Manhattan, NY; Impact Weapons April 22-23 at Boone County Sheriff’s Office, Lebanon, IN; Current and Emerging Global Threats: How it Effects You April 28-30 at the NRA Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.