Why social media outsells your old ways
These next "5" statements may seem obvious to many... but surprisingly enough there are still those that hang on to the old ways no matter what!
1) People don't want your disruptive uninvited phone call, is this really a surprise?
2) Equally, people don't want you're disruptive advertisement whether it be on social media, halfway through a video or anywhere else!
3) People don't want you to tell them how great you are or how great your company is... It's just not believable
4) People don't want your unsolicited email telling them how wonderful your product, service or team may be!
5) People want to be informed ... Yes!
The difference is they want to be informed and made aware on their terms not yours!
People have the opportunity and the ability to pick their news and information sources from literally thousands of sites and social media channels of their choice
They simply don't need your disruptive outdated methods any more!
All they need is a Google search bar and they are ready to go whether they type or whether they simply ask the question and believe me there is a difference...
Selling, Marketing, Customer Service and Inside Sales have all radically changed because of these simple but obvious facts
It really is true!
People are not waiting for your phone call they're not anticipating your email and they're certainly not waiting for your advertisement
Long before you think of their needs they have searched for the answer to their questions online...
If you showed up in that search then you had an excellent opportunity to become the company or person who provided the answer and made the revenue
If you did not show up in that search then you had no such opportunity and you're crying the blues telling your salespeople they need to make more call calls and send more emails...
This is not about your salespeople!!
This is about you and your refusal to accept the "REALITY WALL", you've walked into whether you like it or not
Forget about that fancy new software based lead generation technology or spending on paid advertising that only lasts as long as your budget
Your salespeople just like you, need to understand, learn and thereby communicate where people are, not where they used to be!!
Sales and marketing are actually so much easier today because we don't have to waste so much time and money on so much fancy but wasteful methods
Our resources can be much more effectively used for actual results at a much lower cost
All our customers ask of us is that we put our information where they can find it and that we educate them while making it all simple, straightforward, honest and helpful.
Now really... is that so hard?
If you want to learn the simple steps you can begin to take in order to communicate once again with your customers;
Please reach out and I will help REINTRODUCE you to your customers who are wondering where you went!!
Contact Thomas:
Contact Social Selling HQ
Should have Played Quidditch for England
4 年Thomas, it's just the way it is today, thanks for another great blog.