Interactive mediated technologies that facilitate the creation and sharing of information, ideas, career interests and other forms of expression via virtual communities and networks.
According to a survey conducted by Pew Research in 2018, Face book and YouTube dominate the social media landscape, as notable majorities of adults use each of these sites. At the same time, younger people (especially those ages 18 to 24) stand out for embracing a variety of platforms and using them frequently.
Some 78% of 18 - 24-year-old youngsters use facebook and a sizeable majority of these users (71%) visit the platform multiple times per day. Similarly, 71% of people in this age group now use LinkedIn and close to half (45%) are Twitter users. However, Face book remains the primary platform for most people. Roughly two-thirds of adults (68%) now report that they are Face book users and roughly three-quarters of those users access Face book on a daily basis.
Lots of people don't know that LinkedIn is the largest professional network in the world. The site is an excellent fit for businesses, not only to promote themselves but to establish connections and build relationships. LinkedIn is the best website to attract top talent to your business. It allows you to showcase your business to the right people, as well as directing potential customers to your business, LinkedIn is a great place to look for top prospects.
Social media is simply another show of proof for people searching you out as well that you know what you’re talking about! Social media is a massive lead generation, branding, etc for any business or company. Without it, a lot of companies are missing out on the bigger picture and what’s still to come!
We at TOW-MAX are offering a wide range of quality trailer parts and accessories that can add value to your Trailers.
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