Why is it so many people fail to achieve their goals? Here's a 10 step process that might help.
Orange And Blue UK
Orange and Blue UK- Leadership, training, coaching, apprenticeships, assessments, profiling
A 10 Step Process For Goal Setting
Why is it that so many people fail to achieve their goals? There is a whole host of scientific and anecdotal evidence to suggest the majority of people who do set goals fail to achieve them. Why is that? One of the reasons is they lack a process to follow, a process to replicate time and time again. Here is a 10 step process for goal setting that might make all the difference for you.
Step 1- Identify The Goal
The first step in any goal setting process is to identify specifically what it is you want to achieve. This may take some time or it might come to you very quickly. Either way when you set a goal it needs to be as specific as possible. The more clearly defined your goal the likely it is you will achieve it.
Follow the?SMART?process.?S= Specific,?M=?Measurable,?A=Attainable,?R=Realistic,?T= Tangible
Now many people believe this is the whole process, far from it, this is just the first step.
Step 2- Understand Your Motivation
Understand the reason why you want to achieve the goal you have set for yourself. How will you benefit from achieving the goal? What’s in it for you? What’s in it for those closest to you? What’s in it for your organisation or team? Explore both the logic based benefits from achieving the goal and also the emotional benefits. How will it make you feel when you achieve the goal??Ask yourself is it the logical or the emotional benefits that inspire and motivate you most? Explore the losses to be avoided as well as the benefits to be gained. Are you moving towards achieving something bigger or moving away from something you want to leave behind? Understand your reasons for achieving the goal, whether business or personal. If you’re not motivated by what you discover at this point you’ve probably set the wrong goal or a goal you just don’t care enough about. That’s OK, set one you do care enough about.
Step 3- Identify Possible Obstacles
If you think goal setting is easy then think again. If you think goal setting is a straight line linear process thing again. Goal setting is challenging, never a straight line process and always more difficult than you think. Why so? Well it is pretty certain that someone or something will come along to try and get in your way, slow you down or de-rail you completely. Some of these challenges you will have control over, some you will not, some you will be able to influence and some you will not. Rather than wait to find out what they might be wouldn’t it be a good idea to anticipate them in advance as much as possible. so what could throw you off trach with your goals setting?
Here’s just a few suggestions-
Yourself- what negative attitudes and bad habits have you got that might hinder your progress or even stop you all together?
Other people- who is likely to drag you down, who is likely to be unsupportive and give negative feedback?
Lack of time- how time challenged are you? when will you be able to work on your goal?
Lack of knowledge- Have you got the right skills to achieve the goal?
Lack of resources- Have you got the right tools to do the job?
Step 4- Create Solutions
Having identified possible obstacles it would make sense to come up with some solutions. Remember we are coming up with solutions to obstacles that might not occur, it’s a bit like having the answers?to a test before you’ve been asked the questions.
What new attitude or habit do you need to work on?
How can you engage with those people that support your goals and disengage with those that won’t?
When are you scheduling the time to work on your goals, not leave them to luck, chance or later?
Step 5- Make A Detailed Plan
The difference between a dream and a goal is a detailed plan, a clearly defined written plan with specific action steps. What is your plan to achieve your goal?
Step 6- Set Deadlines
For every action step set a deadline for its accomplishment. Specific action by a specific time. If something or someone outside of your control comes along and slows you down simply change the time line, don’t quit on your goal!!
Step 7- Share Your Goal
Who can help you? Who can hinder you? Let them know about your goal and ask for help or tell them to stay out of your way. Don’t allow those that want to hold you back influence you. Find new partners who will encourage and support your goals.
Step 8- Track You Progress
Track your progress every step of the way. If you don’t where you are how do you know where to go? If you come off track you can identify sooner rather than later any corrections that need to be made. If you don’t track your progress you might find you’re way off your goal but by then it will be too late. Imaging going on a long drive without any checkpoints. You could end up a very long way from your original destination, for sure its somewhere else but not where you wanted to be!
Step 9- Check Your Values
Have you ever set a goal that once you started working on it you realised that it’s not really what you wanted to do? Or alternatively you get half way through and wished you had never got started? Ask yourself theses questions before you start-
Does this goes align with my values?
Is it worth my time, effort and money to achieve?
Do I care enough to do what it takes?
If the answer is yes go ahead, if the answer to any of them is no change your goal
Step 10- Use Affirmation And Visualisation
Remind yourself everyday what you goals are. Read your goals everyday. State your goals in a positive fashion eg. I run 5 k every morning. I read for 30 minutes before breakfast everyday
Picture yourself achieving your goal, use mental imagery or actual physical visual reminders to re-enforce your goals.
So there you have it. a simple yet very comprehensive 10 step process for goal setting. If you follow this for every goal you set over time it will become normalised and your achievements will sky rocket.
If you would like to learn more please contact [email protected] or if you would like to participate in a FREE on line?Goals Workshop?register here