Why There Are So Many Bad Mixes and Mixing Engineers: The Value of Proper Experience
By David "Rain" Banta www.AcademyofMusicians.com
In today's music industry, it's not uncommon to encounter a myriad of poorly mixed tracks and subpar mixing engineers. While it's easy to blame the influx of graduates from recording programs, the issue runs deeper. Having a degree in recording is commendable, but it's far from sufficient in guaranteeing expertise.
As Malcolm Gladwell popularized in his book "Outliers," it takes about 10,000 hours of dedicated practice to achieve mastery in any field. This principle is particularly relevant in the world of audio engineering.
Imagine trying to teach an artist to become a great sculptor by merely showing them how to use a chisel and giving them an anatomy class. While these are essential components, they alone won't transform the artist into a master sculptor. Similarly, proper experience in mixing goes beyond technical knowledge and education. It requires the right kind of experience—hands-on, diverse, and in-depth.
The Importance of Diverse Experience and Proper Gear
One crucial aspect of becoming a proficient mixing engineer is the variety of environments one has worked in. Mixing in different studios with various setups challenges engineers to adapt and refine their skills continually. It's not just about knowing how to operate the gear; it's about understanding the unique acoustics and characteristics of different spaces and how they impact the sound.
Furthermore, the quality of the gear used in mixing cannot be overstated. Many software companies market plug-ins that model analog gear, claiming they replicate the authentic analog sound. However, as someone who boasts the best racks of analog gear in my studio, I can attest that no software truly captures that genuine analog warmth and depth. While great mixes can indeed be achieved with the right software, the greatest mixes often require the superior quality of top-tier analog equipment.
The Real Measure of Success: Sales Over Plays
In an era where digital plays and streaming numbers are heavily emphasized, it's crucial to remember that these metrics don't always equate to quality or impact. I have always prioritized sales awards over other accolades. If a million people are willing to spend their hard-earned money on a copy of your music, that speaks volumes about its value and resonance.
The Path to Mastery
Reflecting on my journey, it took approximately 10,000 hours of full-time mixing—about ten years—before I achieved my first Billboard #1 and platinum record. This milestone was not a product of luck but a testament to relentless dedication and the pursuit of excellence. Since then, I have continued to accumulate accolades, driven by the same commitment to quality and authenticity.
The Gap Between Education and Real-World Experience
Throughout my career, I've had interns and assistants who graduated from top recording schools, often first in their class. Despite their impressive educational backgrounds, I found many of them were at best entry-level when it came to practical skills. There are certain things that only experience can teach—like quickly recognizing the sound of a microphone set up backwards. These are the nuances and quick reflexes developed over countless hours of hands-on work.
In conclusion, while education and technical skills are foundational, they are not the end-all. Proper experience, diverse exposure, and the right gear are indispensable in the journey to becoming a master mixing engineer. The path to excellence is long and demanding, but for those willing to invest the necessary time and effort, the rewards are immeasurable.
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