Why it is so important to be open, or few reasons to share stories of your business, thoughts and achievements nowadays.
Alexandra Deeva
Co-founder | Senior Marketing Consultant at Real Marketing Solutions
With a huge impact of #Social Media, influence marketing and natural interest to others’ life, it is essential to apply so called “open doors” policy to your life and business. And the question of why will follow accordingly.
In a year of information overload people are getting confused with market offers, proposals, reputation and price. To understand the real data we search for referrals, feedback and opinion. The power of #hashtag allows us to find any relevant knowledge in one click.
Rule number one: we have to stay agile, innovative and open-minded. The era of traditional marketing communication is finished. Consumers and clients are not lead by ATL and direct advertising. They search for a social proof: independent reviews, real statistics, and facts and figures. So let’s assume, if you and your business “hide” (don’t publish) the information about your projects, successful campaigns, numbers and simple on-air details, you might miss the opportunity to introduce your business to potential audience.
Rule number two: you are the brand. You have your own life story, your skills and your achievements, personal and professional, why don’t you gain the trust? Psychologically we feel more comfortable with people that we heard about/read about. How did you open your business? Why have you chosen this profession? Tell the audience about passion, motivation and results will not let you wait.
Being a human means to be social. And digital platforms only provide one more opportunity to deliver the right message to the right audience.
Don’t miss it: Use it professionally.