Why is it so hard to find a good job?

Why is it so hard to find a good job?

Have you ever wondered why it is so hard to really find a good job when you want one? Well, you aren’t alone with that, virtually every job seeker out there feels the same way.

It isn’t that there aren’t any good jobs of the type you’re looking for offered by companies you want to work for.

So, what is it then? Well, here are three things that I've seen.

Timing is one factor; jobs don’t come online because you want one! I know, that would be great wouldn’t it, but the reality is, unless you’re open to any job working for any company, then you are going to have to be flexible. (I assume you won’t want that!)

In fact, the only real way of making sure you get the job you want, working for one of the companies you want, is to be available to them, when they want!

OK, there are some exceptions to this, I have seen companies create jobs for certain people, it can happen, and from time to time it does happen. But this is not a great strategy, hope that a company will create a role for you. Well not unless you have some really high value skills, or certain experience that is compelling that is.

So, if you know you are likely to be looking for your next career step in the next few months, the time to start planning that move and actively exploring the market is right NOW. And be flexible enough to move earlier than you had planned if necessary, or you may even have to wait for the job as well. You may get a company that is planning on a project that you’re perfect for, but they need you to wait.

The point is, being as flexible as you can, is the key to getting the Job you really want.

The second thing to realise, is that most jobs actually don’t get advertised, or they have already been offered by the time they are advertised. Roughly 70% of senior level jobs don’t ever get offered out to the market.

So, the next thing you are going to have to realise, is that to get the job you really want, you’re going to have to do some work to find it. And there are several things you can do and should do, to get access to those jobs that never get advertised.

Think about this a minute, if 70% are not going through adverts, they are getting filled in one way or another and there are people getting placed, so there is clearly a way to do this.

The trick of course, is getting yourself out there, getting known and knocking on doors. If the hiring manager doesn’t know about you then he or she is hardly going to offer you a role are they.

The final thing I want to say about this is, you won’t get a job, any job at any time, unless you really know how to sell yourself into that job in the first place.

I’d say a good 90% of people I speak with have no real idea how to do this at all. Most list a few skills, talk about the job function on their CV and they hope. No other way to describe it, most CVs I see are pretty abysmal at selling the writer.

I cannot overstate how important selling yourself is. After all that is what your CV is, it’s a sales brochure.

But it’s not just about a CV, it’s about how you position and sell yourself through the whole process and actually, it’s about what you are doing to promote yourself right now, even if you are not looking or expecting to be looking anytime soon.

Looking for your next job and promoting yourself is a constant and ongoing process.

If you just think you can tidy your CV up and apply for exactly the role you want working for a great company and earning a salary you believe you are worth, get straight to interview and be offered, well I guess it can happen, but in my experience, it seldom does.

Unless you are very lucky!

Ok then, what can you do about all this?

How can you sell yourself; how can you find these Hidden Jobs and how can you get your profile out into the market effectively?

I have created a course that covers exactly these things and here's just a sample of what we cover:

  • We reveal how to write your best ever CV (to get you to the top of virtually every short-list for the jobs you apply).
  • We explain how you can apply directly for jobs that are not even being advertised (to make sure you're not missing out on great opportunities).
  • We show you the strategy you'll need to make sure your CV gets through to the hiring manager almost every time (so you know you'll won’t be overlooked for the jobs you know you're good at).

And all this for around the price of a Pizza for two with a couple of drinks!

Just follow this link with this Video and sign up today and make sure you have the best chance ever to land your perfect job, working for a company you really admire and at a salary you know you are worth!

Sign me up for this Course


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