Why it is smart to use Typescript

Why it is smart to use Typescript

For sure, TypeScript is becoming increasingly popular in the Front-end world. About 80 percent of developers are prepared to either apply or learn TypeScript in their coming endeavors. Anyone who has used it before loves it and is willing to continue using it in the next projects. Now, there are countless reasons why TypeScript should be used:

  • Typically, it’s open-source
  • Used for clarification/simplification of JavaScript code
  • Offers highly reliable formulation tools for JavaScript IDEs
  • Adds immense improvement over plain JavaScript
  • Offers developers all the advantages of ECMAScript 6 (ES6)
  • Assists developers in the prevention of bugs by type checking codes when preparing JavaScript.
  • Facilitate static typing, et al.

  1. Easier to understand the code

Often, when you’re working on a particular piece of code, to make it fully understandable, you must grasp the arguments it accepts, the values it returns, and the type of external data it requires. It’s usually difficult to address these issues when using dynamically typed languages. But using statistically typed languages such as TypeScript, all the issues are easily addressed in the IDE and the compiler. With TypeScript, you no longer need to keep looking through the entire code base, or stress your mates with loads of questions, or risk experiencing unnecessary bugs on the production.

2.?????Faster implementation of the code

Ordinary, creating a new feature or component requires you to follow a specified workflow with the format below:

  • Bootstrapping component function, making up its arguments and writing the remaining code.
  • Putting the component into an application and pass propping into it
  • Testing, either using unit tests or manually
  • If something goes wrong, returning to the code, finding out what’s not right, fixing it, and returning to step 3.

In TypeScript, the process is similar but a bit easier and faster. The code is much more readable as less prone to bugs/errors, but most importantly, simpler to reason.

3.?????Fewer bugs

Throughout the period that front-end development has been around, developers have realized that they could save approximately 50 percent of their time in fixing bugs by having someone sit beside them and yelling whenever they notice them (developers) making typos. Thanks to TypeScript which eliminates all that hassle as it’s way harder to end up with an invalid code.

4.?????Easier to merge the code

TypeScript offers developers an assurance check which is known as the typedef compilation check. Here, if the code is well-written, it contains the unit tests, and the entire thing compiles meaning that the developer is pretty sure it works as intended. It makes it easy for developers to gain trust amongst themselves. It improves the speeds with which developers review and even merge PRs.

5.?????Assists the developer in adopting the right workflow

Writing code using a statistically typed language requires you to think about the sort of data you’re going to receive, and then the sort of data you need to produce. Often after that, you will settle to have the real execution. The majority of people perceive this as the right format. With TypeScript, it gives the chance to figure out the code interface before settling on its actual implementation.


Honestly, by using TypeScript, certainly, you’re going to get powerful advantages, with only a little extra effort.


