Why Sleep is SO IMPORTANT When Talking About Stress Reduction!

Why Sleep is SO IMPORTANT When Talking About Stress Reduction!

“Don’t talk to me before I’ve had my coffee” or “Less talky; more coffee” are sayings that we have all seen on a coworker’s mug, or maybe even one of your own!?

Jokes about being tired, needing a caffeine pick-me-up in the morning, or not being able to function without a morning coffee are ubiquitous with office life. And I’m sure we can all think back to a conversation that included the statement, “You think you’re tired? I’m tired!” before someone promptly tried to downplay your fatigue and try to one-up it with theirs.?

Somehow, we have come to normalize something that is actually quite detrimental to our overall well-being: lack of sleep!?

Why is sleep so important?

It’s not just the residual grogginess, irritability, or bags under the eyes that we need to consider when we talk about getting enough rest.?

Lack of sleep can cause otherwise healthy people to be more susceptible to mental health challenges, such as episodes of depression. This is because sleep is like a washing machine for your brain. It cleanses memories of the stress-related neurotransmitter norepinephrine that can sometimes cause anxiety.

Without adequate rest, we can fall into an unfortunate cycle of being anxious about the inability to get enough sleep, and that lack of sleep causes more symptoms of anxiety

So, how do I get better shuteye?

You are not alone if you find yourself struggling to get enough quality sleep.?

One recent poll showed that 43.2% of respondents were suffering from insufficient sleep, and 32% experienced general sleep disturbances.?

If you are one of the many who are looking to find ways to get not only more, but also better-quality sleep, here are some science-based strategies.??

Luckily, a lot of the ways we can do this are pretty simple changes!?

? Cut out caffeine in the afternoon (or altogether).?

?? Turn off your electronics a few hours before you hit the hay.?

?? Journal before going to bed to store any unfinished obligations on a list instead of in your head.?

?? Nix that nightcap. While you might feel a bit sleepy shortly after a few drinks, because alcohol floods your system with sleep-inducing adenosine, as soon as that alcohol metabolizes, the adenosine quickly dissipates, and you may find yourself sitting bolt upright in the middle of the night. A quick way to ruin what could have been a good night’s sleep.

It is not possible to discuss reducing stress without bringing up sleep! Many of us have normalized being tired and not getting enough rest - and it is time we start to make it a priority.?

Our brain needs that time to recover from the stressors of the day, and so do we.?

So, what changes can you make to your nighttime routine to make getting to sleep, and getting MORE and high-quality sleep, easier?

Want more brain-friendly tips?

Check out my upcoming book, The Brain-Friendly Workplace: Why Talented People Quit and How to Get Them to Stay, here .?

I also offer keynotes to provide companies with science-based insights that you can put into practice immediately in order to work and live smarter, better, and happier. Find out more about my keynotes here .?

And if your friends or colleagues would benefit from monthly brain-friendly tips, please click here to share this newsletter with them.?


https://www.mdpi.com/2227-9032/7/1/1/htm#B6-healthcare-07-00001 / https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1389945716302362

Saskia Verhaeren

???? Expert Growth Mindset - Brein-gebaseerde Leiderschap en Teamontwikkeling - Inspirerende spreker & interactie - Empowering mens & team tot groei training | CRKBO registratie, MMI coach + trainer | & freelance

2 年

These are great tips and good that you are sharing this information. Sleep is also necessary for the neuroplasticity of our brains, they get 'a flush' at night (toxins are drained) and reset is possible. I find myself (it will be my age of 51 ?? ) trying new habits for better sleep. You gave some helpful tips and I am happy to add a few more:? - Get plenty of daylight during the day! Preferably in the morning and wake up your circadian clock.?- Dim the light before you go to sleep and avoid bright ligths. Make your room nice and dark or use an eye mask.?- If you wake up at night or have trouble falling asleep, Yoga Nidra can help. - Of course, there are other ways to promote your sleep. I also shared a Dutch post (and short video) about this. Good sleep is 'superpower'!

Lewis Booij

Neuroscience For Business Researcher | Content & Concept Development for Organisations

2 年

''Lack of sleep can cause otherwise healthy people to be more susceptible to mental health challenges, such as episodes of depression. This is because sleep is like a washing machine for your brain. It cleanses memories of the stress-related neurotransmitter norepinephrine that can sometimes cause anxiety. Without adequate rest, we can fall into an unfortunate cycle of being anxious about the inability to get enough sleep, and that lack of sleep causes more symptoms of anxiety'' Brilliant post!

Meher Mullapudi, FRM?, PMP?

Global Managed Services Delivery & Risk Management | Expert in Operational Efficiency, Strategy, Contracts and Stakeholder Management

2 年

In some cases, being tired represents how hardworking one is. If you aren't tired, you aren't working enough. Sleep is a great topic that is grossly under discussed. Thank you Friederike Fabritius for sharing this

Roman Gaida

CSO @ Bürkert Fluid Control Systems - We make ideas flow | Member of the Executive Board | Tech Executive Driving Innovation in Sales & Marketing | Pharma - Biotech - Life Science - Food | Vorstand Vertrieb

2 年

Totally agree. I also like the ?Sleep Tool Kit“ from Andrew Huberman

Michael Bachmann

Health & Fitness Coaching für Leaderpers?nlichkeiten mit Herz, die mehr wollen als nur abzunehmen und gut auszusehen.

2 年

Undisputed. And still the most underrated factor for better health, performance and body composition. It affects everything.


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