Why Should You Opt for Slim Fit Dress Shirt
Josue Otero
You deserve to look sharp. You deserve to look your best. You deserve La Mode Men’s.
Well, other than playing secret service agents trying to save the world, what do Henry Cavill and Daniel Craig have in common? They absolutely rock in a slim-fit shirt fighting bad guys and romancing attractive ladies in spy movies. These shirts are increasingly becoming popular with working professionals, sportsmen, and especially gym aficionados. The reasons include higher versatility, better presentation, comfort, and more choices for the wearer.
Back in the 80s, there was only one shirt fitting option that is the classical or traditional fit. Now men have a plethora of choices and they are
CLASSIC FIT SHIRT – These are also known as traditional Shirts. They were in fashion back in the 80s and were the quintessential uniforms of office workers. These shirts are extremely comfortable and offer a lot of breathing space. These shirts were designed considering the general body size of the population.
REGULAR FIT SHIRT – Not much different from the classic fit shirt, these shirts fits have liberal armholes for movement. However, the excess fabric of the shirt tucked inside the pants can be very constricting and cause rashes. Furthermore, the emphasis is on comfort and functionality rather than on appearance. There is no tapering in the waist region, thus giving more space for bulky body frames.
SLIM FIT SHIRT – This type of shirt gradually slims down from the chest to the waist. The fittings work on lean as well as the famous Captain America V-taper physique. The design is to amplify raw masculinity. Not only it is extremely fashionable but at the same time comfortable. Despite being less spacious than regular and classic fit, it has good breathability. Moreover, it works well in all environments including humid regions of the world.
Both the classic fit and regular fit are considered baggy and also out of fashion since the 90s and 2000s respectively. This is the age of slim-fit shirts.
1MASCULINE PRESENCE – According to science, women are most attracted to Dorrito shaped male body or known as the Swimmer’s body. This triangle-shaped body has a broadened shoulder with a little waist and the slim fit shirt mimics this shape perfectly. Usually, this type of shirt is worn by men in movies who are usually depicted as the alpha male of the pack
This shirt basically hugs your body frame and all those pecs and muscle tones that you developed in the gym are displayed in a very subtle way. The best part of wearing this type of shirt is it honestly shows your trapeze and lat muscle which gets usually dumbed down while wearing baggy traditional shirts.
2PRESENTABLE – These shirts are designed in such a way it doesn’t have the sagginess of normal shirts but at the same time, the user doesn’t feel restrained at all. Also since a lot less material goes into designing these shirts, they are a tad cheaper than tailor-made and classic fit. Still want more convincing, then remember that most mannequins outside the brick and mortar stores are displayed wearing slim-fit shirts because they look awesome. The wearer feels confident as the shirt becomes an immediate part of the body.
Slim Fit Shirts have an edge over Classic fit and Regular fit because it looks well-tailored and doesn’t look oversized. Furthermore, these shirts don’t accentuate unnecessary body curves that usually the wearer wants to hide. The general aura that the wearer of the Slim shirt exudes is that “This guy has done his homeworkâ€.
3 WORKS EVERYWHERE – Doesn’t matter, you are on a date or in a board room these shirts work absolutely fine. Just imagine running an errand and without changing your shirt, you are in the office presenting your slides. This is the beauty of this shirt, it works alongside you the whole day. Since versatility is the word for survival in the 21st century and this shirt closely resonates with the will of the wearer. Moreover, it doesn’t matter what situations you are in, these shirts bring out your inner confidence and charisma.
4 EASE OF USE – Just pick the shirt from your hanger, wear it, button-up, and tuck the shirt into your trousers or jeans. It is that easy. The best part is once tucked in these shirts stay in your pants for rest of the day. Furthermore, they don’t require any additional or special care that many tailored fit shirts require. Also, washing and drying these shirts is easy. Moreover, since they are mass-produced they are quite cheaper than tailored shirts, which is directed at a niche audience.
5 VARIETY OF MATERIALS – Furthermore, since this type of shirt fit is becoming increasingly popular a lot of brands are experimenting with new materials to make the user comfier. Many companies offer shirt materials such as cotton, polyester, and even modal satin. The point being if you have the time, you can experiment with a ton of styles.
Now, choosing a slim-fit shirt that suits you can be a challenge. You need to do homework on materials, size, and color. You simply can’t pick a slim-fit shirt because some materials can be quite allergic to your skin. That is why here in Lamodemens we have an amazing collection of slim-fit dress shirts that are made of both cotton and polyester. These materials are not only comfy but the wearer looks exceptionally smart and radiant. Furthermore, you have a variety of sizes and colors available for Slim Fit Dress Shirt in Lamodemens. The payment is easy and the delivery of these shirts is available all over the world.
If two guys enter a room, one wearing a baggy t-shirt, with a blown-up tent-like waist and another one sharply dressed in a slim fit shirt. Who has the higher probability of attracting the opposite sex? Also, who has the higher chances of closing business deals? Well, you know the answer because presentation matters. The slim-fit dress shirt is worn by athletes, oil rig workers, office workers, and many others who take a minute interest in their appearance.