Why should you learn to code?
Mark Montoya, MBA, FMVA?
Helping companies grow by locating business opportunities, introducing effective strategies, securing investment financing
Guess what? Programming is for everyone, including you. Regardless of your age, gender, position, or educational background. You don't have to be an engineer to get the tangible benefits of having this skill.
Programming could be a great part of your self-development. It significantly contributes to cognitive benefits by improving your spatial skills, reasoning, metacognition, mathematical skills, and creativity. It teaches you logical thinking, positively affects your communication skills, and improves your productivity.
“Learning to write programs stretches your mind, and helps you think better, creates a way of thinking about things that I think is helpful in all domains” (Bill Gates, 2013).
In recent years, the affordability of high-level programming languages and the availability of educational sources have made the adventure with programming possible, on your terms at a convenient time and pace, completely free.
Based on my experience, I would like to draw your attention to a few arguments that are worth considering when deciding to undertake coding lessons. They are as follows:
Increase your productivity and efficiency
In fact, for years, programming has always been about productivity, efficiency, and automation. Today, however, when we have ready-to-use libraries and artificial intelligence algorithms at our disposal, it is something more. Thanks to programming skills we not only improve and speed up our work but also make more accurate data-driven decisions and therefore become more effective in what we do.
High-level programming languages such as Python, R, JavaScript, Java, and C++ have become easier to learn, and their popularity continues to increase.?This means that there are many places and people who will help you learn them. They are applicable not only in software development or IT, but in finance, marketing, operations, development, and science, even in such areas as administration, HR, and law.
In the not-so-distant past, a productivity revolution was made by spreadsheets, today we can go much further.?Thanks to programming skills, whatever we do on the computer, or in a properly instructed cloud environment, in many cases a program can do it for us. Why not take advantage of this, as it would mean saving time and money? Not to mention contributing to competitive advantage.
Thought discipline and problem solving
Thanks to learning to code, you solve problems in a structured way.?You start with the formulation of the task that you want to solve, then create the right execution logic that your machine will eventually receive as a well-defined instruction and process. Usually, you need to think a few steps ahead to translate your expectations into concise coding syntax. There is no room for ambiguity, your language must be precise in expressing your thoughts.
Each program is a collection of smaller programs. Each of them performs a strictly defined task and solves a smaller problem. So, before you think about the code itself, you learn to break the main task into smaller pieces, and then, these smaller simple solutions are assembled into a large more complex machine.?How complex a machine it is will depend only on your needs, commitment, and experience.
This property sets the path of development and is a source of satisfaction in learning programming. Programming is step-by-step learning process where each step brings measurable benefits.
Proficiency in this field brings benefits that go beyond just programming. To be honest, they are the quintessence of most aspects of our work. When planning a small or large business venture or are delegating tasks to colleagues, we use these skills.?If you already have them, learning to code is much easier. If it is not yet your strong point, learning to code will quickly raise this skill to the next level.
Attention to detail and editing
The details are important when it comes to programming. A missed colon, a typo in a variable name, or wrong order of execution logic could change the entire command or script you’re trying to send to the machine.
Editing and following best practices are important because what is obvious to you today, might not be in the future or for someone else who wants to use your code. Taking care of the readability of the code and for explanatory comments, a more in-depth description of the program's logic, or providing full documentation should become habit.
It might be viewed as a small but valuable benefit of learning to program, is that you can apply it to your other professional activities i.e., project management journal, documentation, and decisions. Thinking about others and the usability of our work is not always a natural attitude for everyone. Your colleagues surely will appreciate this.
Unleashing creativity and pursuing your ambitions
Coding is learning a new language. The good news is that it is simpler to assimilate, it has clear syntax and "grammar", and an incomparably smaller "vocabulary" than natural language. But still, it allows you to convey and create a wealth of content anyway. Once you know it, you can add your own "words" to this dictionary, i.e., new functions, objects, etc.
Understanding the rules of the language and being familiar with the basic expressions, allows you to read and use the works of other programmers.?You have access to the great code examples, scripts, programs, solutions, and libraries (a set of functions and objects, dedicated to a specific area of interest, e.g., statistics, machine learning, image processing, and more). All free, just two or three clicks away.?
What’s more, the ability to read the code of others and the ability to adapt them to your own needs means that even inexperienced people can create complex scripts or entire applications. At the same time, they gain experience and learn the programming language of their choice. These circumstances stimulate our creativity and allow us to create solutions we would have never thought of before.
Nothing limits us. In principle, we can count on support from every community of programmers of any language and have access to knowledge that encourages us to set ourselves ever more ambitious challenges over time. YouTube, GitHub, Stack Overflow, Reddit, and Quora are easily accessible places where beginners and experts meet. Having learned the basics, programming is simply pure pleasure. You can feel it after just a few weeks of study and practice.
Raise your value in the job market
A wide range of traditional jobs that did not require coding in the past are now offering high salaries for workers who today know how. The demand for employees with such skills is growing faster than the overall job market. You do not have to be an engineer for your new skill to be appreciated by your employer and to earn a higher salary.?
Your productivity and effectiveness rise because your new skill allows you to better understand technology (databases, networks, protocols, APIs, solution architecture, etc.) and better communicate with your IT department colleagues. While employers are not asking applicants to come pre-equipped with a computer science degree per se anymore, they do expect workers to have some coding and computer science skills already, even if only for communication purposes.
The last word
Whichever programming language you choose, the above benefits are common to everyone. It is of course, more practical to choose the programing language most useful to you, as not every language available has the same purpose and uses. Because an essential part of my job is access to data and analytics, I chose Python and SQL.
My point, without prejudging your choice, is that if you devote time to learning it and focus on your practical calls, you will not wait long for positive effects, (3-6 months if you take a boot camp or 6-12 months for self-study), and a feeling of great private and professional satisfaction. Coding can be learned and applied by anyone who learns it and is not just for coders anymore.