Why Should you Know Your Numbers?
Kimberlee Langford, BSN RN CCM CRMT CPC
VP of Clinical Services -Specialty Care Management - Dialysis Risk Mitigation
So often in talking with people about their labwork, I hear: "My doctor keeps track of that." Many people, if not most of the people I talk to have no idea what their cholesterol levels are, their A1C or their eGFR is. The sad part about this is that it really robs people of the opportunity to make changes, if and as needed, to their lifestyle. We all have complete control over what we put into our mouths, our minds, and what we do with our bodies! - Knowing your numbers for some basic labwork will help you know what questions to ask your healthcare provider so that you can make good decisions to keep healthy numbers. Our bodies are great at adapting and compensating --- consequently, we often don't know we need help until we have a diagnosis, or we start to feel sick. Take charge of yourself! Take control of your health! Be mindful of the factors you have control of and maximize your personal power for a life that is rich, vitalized and live it on YOUR terms!