Why Should You Join A Network Marketing Company?
Angie Houlbrooke
Helping women 45+ with ??Body Confidence | Habit Transformation | Sustainable Health ?? Results-driven system
I joined for a discount on the products, my results led me to help a couple of friends. I fell into the business, and have stayed because of the person I have become and the people I have met
The 12 reasons why I joined and why I have stayed for 19 years now
1. Benefits of the products on my long term health.
2. No qualifications, I learned the skills whilst building my business
3. New challenge and positive environment, It has kept my brain busy.
4. Flexible hours, I did this in my spare time initially ie part-time and created an extra income, that quickly became my career income.
5. Security - I offer this opportunity out as a backup plan, because that what it was and still is for me.
6. Low start and low overheads. This can be considered both good and bad against starting a business. I joined for £199, 19 years ago, (in today figure it should cost £297), so it was a considered investment. Today it is less than £50, so most people can afford to leave.
7. Unlimited earnings income. If it's to be it's up to me……
8. Work from wherever you want..
9. Purpose and direction, being part of a community is incredibly powerful being part of a team of like-minded people on the same/similar journey is unbeatable as a job.
10. Personal Development - This is available to everyone, but network marketers do it more than most, as it is an integral part of their growth and training.
11. Residual income, do the work once and get paid over and over again.
12. Legacy - “Legacy is the number of people whose lives you touched” ~ Maya Angelou. To have this opportunity to care for others to create inspiring results in health and in business is second to none.
Bonus Reason. I am reaching retirement age, but I am not retiring. The business keeps me young in both body and mind, and gives me the freedom to BE-DO and HAVE. I am excited about life and that is golden…
Are you looking for a way to start a new career or add an extra income to your current one?
If so, which of the following no-obligation options, would suit your busy life?
We hold twice-weekly live information events, we have a FB information page or choose a short video presentation to your WhatsApp.
Message me with your chosen option to investigate further…