Why Should You Be(come) a FEMINIST?
Anne-Maria Yritys
Sustainability Expert & Change Leader available for new projects/opportunities
Since it is my birthday I am asking every single male person in my contact network to take action and start supporting a gender equal movement, for instance UN Women's "He For She".
By doing so, and by learning more about gender in/equality, you can support the rights of girls and women to be heard and improved all around the world, for it is a great injustice that is taking place and that has to end.
The gender inequality problems vary from country to country. Here are some examples:
-Girls are being cut, i.e. their reproductive organs are being destroyed when very young, so that they cannot have pleasure later on in life. The cuttings include huge risks, such as not being able to conceive due to infections etc.
-Gendercide, femicide and selected (illegal) abortions, because females are unwanted.
-Rapes and physical violence against girls and women
-Domestic violence against girls and women, including psychological violence and emotional abuse
-No education for girls in poor families, because boys are regarded more valuable
-Terrorists such as the Boko Haram kidnapping and even killing girls from/in schools in countries like Nigeria and Pakistan, because they don't want girls to have education/schooling
-Gender inequal legislation in many countries, prohibiting women for instance to decide over their own bodies or even from owning any land etc. = women have no rights at all
-Human and sex trafficking, victims of which are mainly (adult) women
-Inequal wages with women earning much less than men on the average, even in highly developed, industrialized countries and in the OECD
-Women not allowed to enter certain professions at all in many countries, including in Russia and the Philippines
What else? These were only some of the examples.
The role of men supporting women and gender equality plays a significant role. Without the support of those who currently discriminate the female gender, often just because "things have always been this way", we cannot achieve gender equality. It is a very bad excuse to claim that you don't know, because you do know and if you don't, make sure to educate yourself and learn more awareness.
Even in the world's most gender equal country, Finland, e.g. only 6% of all university professors are female. Rather strange in a country where women, on the average, are more educated than men. There is a hidden corruption system in this country, where men favor other men for certain roles, especially when it comes to high positions of leadership. Unfortunately.
So if you want to make me happy on my birthday, become a feminist and start supporting equal rights for girls and women, around the world.
You can start e.g. by reading The World Economic Forum′s "The Global Gender Gap Report 2017". Download it for free at: https://www.weforum.org/reports/the-global-gender-gap-report-2017
Thank you.
Anne-Maria Yritys
Access some of my previous posts on this topic:
What is Gender Equality in the 21st Century?
365 Days a Year Dedicated for Women Globally
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