Why should we use defoamer for metal processing?
Rechie Dou
Expert in Defoamer Solutions | 10+ Years in Chemical Industry | Specialist in Paper, Paint & Coatings, Textile, Oil & Gas, Fermentation.....
Because the metal is continuously squeezed and rubbed during the cutting process, the temperature of surface getting higher, then people usually choose using cutting fluid to reduce the temperature and friction during metal cutting process. However, cutting fluid contain large amount of surfactant which can form foam, and along with the flow rate of the working fluid is fast in the metal processing, which lead to serious foam. So defoamer must be added into metal cutting fluid to prevent the loss of the cutting fluid and reduce the cost effectively.
The reasons that causes foam in metal cutting fluid
1. The liquid level of the metal cutting fluid is too low.
2. The flow rate of the metal cutting fluid is too fast, the foam do not overflow timely, the more accumulated cause a number of foam.
3. There are too many right angles in the water tank, or the nozzle of the metal cutting fluid is too straight.
4. The metal cutting fluid contains a large amount of surfactant.
5. Foam caused by the soft water.
6. Cutting fluid contaminated by cleaning agents or infiltration of impurities due to external influences.
Metal foam hazard
1. Foam will affect lubrication and cooling effect.
2. The foam increases gas-liquid contact, promotes oxidation, produces flotation, and makes the mixture of components uneven, thus deteriorating the product.
3. The foam will affect the normal operation of the machine. The oil tank is filled with foam and overflows, causing the oil surface to drop, causing damage to the components,then destroying the uniform supply and affecting the smooth operation.
4. The foam will affect the product's anti-rust performance, cleaning performance, extreme pressure performance.
5. The foam will affect the transmission power and signal of the product
Advantages of metal cutting fluid defoamer
1. Performance of defoaming and foam suppression are strong, and the dosage is low, which does not affect the basic properties of the foaming system.
2. Good diffusibility and permeability, and can be fully compatible with oil and cutting fluid.
3. Good heat resistance, chemical stability, no corrosion, non-combustible, no explosion.
4. Can be used in acid, alkali, salt, electrolyte and hard water.
Edit by Invelychem