# Bad news isn't wine, delay harms more.

# Bad news isn't wine, delay harms more.

We normally feel that many of the bad news can't be tolerated and that can lead to another mishappening, but it is normally not true. In fact, the bad news if hidden can have more grave and fatal impact on the mind if it is suddenly known. We care for our dear one and try to avoid telling the shocking news considering that they may not bear the grief. Such actions may lead to severe problems and it is frequently done by many of us. As a common person, this thinking is protective but it is generally not true. It is good to share the facts as it is. It is important that the person is aware of the latest developments. So, brain adapt it systematically not abruptly. When we are constantly in touch with the happenings then mental preparation for the consequences takes place and subconsciously get ready to face the worst of it. 

Sonia Lupien, director of the Centre for Studies on Human Stress in Montreal (Canada)], said in a press release: "When our brain perceives a threatening situation, our bodies begin to produce stress hormones that enter the brain and may modulate memories of stressful or negative events."

I don't know how many of us really gone through extremely bad situation? The actual victim behaves very logical which could be beyond imagination without witnessing it. This is again miracle of stress hormones. Common person may say that when bad time comes then the God gives courage to face. There is also negative effect of keeping the news a secret. We try to hide the secret even person is not with us. In such cases keeping secrets may be stressful, but not because of hiding it but because we may keep thinking about that information which reminds us that we have a secret. Knowing that we have a secret may make us feel guilty, fearful and can depress our mood.

No one wants anything bad to happen in the life and try to avoid such imaginations. But unknowingly somewhere in the mind the preparation to face the fact also takes place. On the other hand the sudden breaking of news comes like a flash and the impact is grave and quite damaging. A few may tolerate the setback with little damage, but other may get deeply affected by it. It can be depressive and can cause many other psychological complications. On daily basis our mind is learning from the events around us and gathering vivid experiences, some are happy one and few are heart breaking. Those events may not be related to us but some way it makes us to feel the pain and that prepares us to face such ill-fated situations. It is all taking place in the sub - conscious mind but that works as a powerful support mechanism in adjusting with the grave situation. We normally magnify the threats with our imaginations to the extreme negative; this affects our decision during crisis and results in erroneous actions. No one in the world has a very simple life without any ups and downs. May be for one it could be less shocking but to others it may be higher than the Himalaya. Even the events not concerned to us are a hint to us and prepares us to accept and face similar events without much turmoil.

Gautama Buddha was brought up in a very protective atmosphere. His mind was not prepared to absorb the shock of human life's miseries; even the old age sufferings was a great shock to him. That is why he couldn't tolerate such awful fact of life and severely got affected. He was totally distracted from his normal life. It is all together a different story that he discovered better path for the mankind to live a meaningful life and attain moksha.


