Why should we choose Plant based Diet?
Plant Based Diet is getting popular from last decade, number of celebrities have changed to Vegan like Miley Cyrus, Ariana Grande , Kevin Smith, Steve Harvey and more. I was curious why lot of people now changing to Plant based Diet. When I read the Facts of having Plant Based Diet in book ‘How not to Die’, by Michael Greger and after watching The Documentary ‘ What the Health’, I was shocked, It’s the eye opener, highly recommended for all. People spend thousand of Dollars in the treatment of Heart Disease, Brain Disease, but there is simple one thing and root cause of all Diseases are Our Diet. And I want to aware all of you, how we can prevent diseases by switching to Plant based Diet. It will change your life in a big way.
Mother Nature gave us everything in the form of Grains, Fruits, Vegetables, nuts, herbs and spices, that keep our body healthy. “ Dr. Michael Greger, mention in His Book when his GrandMa came from Hospital that she had no option now, but by switching her diet to the Plant based diet, she lived next more 30 years, Thus he decided to go in Nutrition field and spread the world the benefit of Plant Based Diet”. From the last few Years people are getting more aware and heading to Vegan Diet and Plant based Diet on the basis of below reasons-
Why to choose Plant Based Diet
1. Cruelty Free
It is not right to kill animal to feed us if we have other healthy things available. People are hunting animals and using them as meal from Ancient times to survive but now you can find lot of plant based food options available now. I know it's hard to the People who are using it from long time. That time, decision was of our ancestors, now, we can use our mind, what is right or wrong, we can not follow blindly. If you love dog or cats, how can you kill cow or pig for your food just because you like it and you are eating from long time. Animals are treated very bad in slaughterhouses. It is never shown to consumer how this meat is serving to us, This is all their Market Plan.
2. Health Benefit
In USA, Obesity is one of the reason that are killing people gradually. “The American Standard Diet , instead of sustaining and Supporting good health produced a nation where disease and chronic illness are considered to be inevitable” Dr. Joel Fuhrman, The End of Dieting. Dr. Michael Greger in his book, ‘How not to Die’, explained very well, Animal based Diet is the cause of lot of Diseases such as Cardiovascular Disease, Diabetes, Cancer etc. By changing your Diet, you can prevent all these disease and can live longer without illness. Why not People focus on those things that prevent Diseases. Arteries are blocked due to high Cholesterol and the saturated Fat. And After some time, it's hard to pass the blood through those Arteries and it result in Heart Attack and brain stroke. On the other hand, Fiber, found in plants and vegetables, is helpful to lower the Cholesterol. Fruits and vegetable are rich in Antioxidant and Vitamins. Plant based Diet heal and nourish your body and helpful to prevent all these disease.
3. Environmental benefit
Plant Based Diet helpful for environmental Health. Research shows that Animal Agriculture is causing 51% of all Green House Gas Emissions Pollution more than any pollution creating by Vehicles and Factories. Research shows that U.S. industrial livestock farms produce up to 1.37 billion tons of manure each year—that’s 20 times more waste than the entire U.S. human population! This poses serious pollution risks to water resources and the air around us. It takes 2400 Gallon Water to Produce 1 pound Beef, and 244 Gallon of water to produce 1 pound Tofu. More than 90 percent of all Amazon rainforest land cleared since 1970 is used for grazing livestock. It is the time to change that Meat consumption Diet to Plant Based Diet to save the environment.
4. Clear Mind and thought
If we talk about to detox our mind and body, we choose plant Based Diet. Doreen Virtue and Robert Reeves, The author of ‘Nutrition for Intuition ‘ clearly explained , if you choose Healthy Vegan Diet, Your inner body get clean, you feel good about your body, and you are able to listen the messages of your Angels or you can say intuition clearly. When you choose food, choose wisely, There is vibration everywhere, when you choose Meat based Diet, there is negative Vibration, and lot of pain to those animals, during the process of Meat Production, it can not make happy to your soul….. ‘B.K. Shivani ‘ a Spiritual Leader.
Types of Plant Based Diet
Plant Based Diet can be chosen on the basis of your ethical value, your Health requirement, your body need, and your lifeStyle, But main food on your plate is Plant based diet. It can be Parted in following ways-;
- Vegan- This Diet includes all food, Whole Grains, Fruits and Vegetables, seeds and nuts and more except animal Products and By Products like Dairy products, Egg and Honey.
- Vegetarian- These type of Diet which includes all kind of food except animal products, but it includes eggs and Dairy.
- Pescatarian- These Diet can be group with Vegetarian Diet, but this Diet include Fish and Seafood.
- Flexitarian - This Diet is also called Semi Vegetarian. Most of their Diet is based on Plant Based Diet but also they enjoy animal food occasionally.
To continue more, visit https://thehealthykingdom.com/f/why-should-we-choose-plant-based-diet