Why Should PCB Design Engineers Care About More Than Just Design?
IKIDO- Now part of PTC
BoM Optimization Software to reduce Supply Chain Disruptions
Are you aware that a non-dynamic Bill of Materials (BoM) can derail your product launch? Did you know that focusing solely on design can strain your revenue, margins, and cash flow? PCB design engineers are often celebrated for innovation and design prowess, but there's a critical aspect that's frequently overlooked: the design for production, supply chain resilience, and manufacturability. Let's break it down:
The Cost of Neglecting the Supply Chain, DFA, & DFM
Real-World Implications for Various Industries
The People Behind the Scenes
The BoM Optimization Platform: A Game-Changer
The Disconnect
Why aren't PCB design engineers incentivized to consider production and supply chain factors?
The Shift That's Needed
PCB design engineers play a pivotal role in the success of a product. However, without a shift in perspective and incentives towards production, supply chain resilience, and manufacturability, companies risk financial loss and market irrelevance. The adoption of tools like the Ikido.tech BoM Optimization Platform can bridge this gap, ensuring engineers have the necessary data and insights to make informed decisions from the design stage onward.
About Mr Eron. Guy Eron serves as the CEO and founder of Ikido.tech. With two decades of industry experience in operational product lifecycle and supply chain management he is dedicating his time to tackling the challenges associated with BOM (Bill of Materials) risk management.