"Why should I use Etiquette by Evelyn?"
My lead question for today "Why should I use Etiquette by Evelyn?" This morning I saw this interesting piece on Linkedin and thought I would let some of the answers speak for the subject matter as to why. You can read the whole article and answers on Linkedin under notifications, trending now. Trending Now: Why are companies ghosting job candidates? Here's what people are saying.
- "Interesting read. I just recently had a friend going through the job search who didn't hear back from her interviewer/hiring manager for two weeks, gave the company a call and they said, "Oh, sorry, we already filled that role, my co worker in HR was supposed to tell you "... what a bummer!"
- "All the niceties and politeness are gone. You will now only hear from human resources if they want to move forward with you; otherwise, you get the silent treatment."
- "You probably don't need me to tell you this, but we are living in a time period in which people are not that nice to one another. It's become the norm to be rude and ghost candidates."
- "Ghosting is rude and reflects on Company values, bottom-line greed, and total disregard for the process and disrespect to the individual.
- The system is broken and in dire need of rebuilding."
- "The same is happening in 2020 with marketing. Right now, content is not being created efficiently, so customer journeys are suffering and brand trust too. But in 2020, the aim is to optimize the journey and bring human connection back in a digital world. Those who adopt it will survive the others will tread water."