Why Should I Reply to a FAKE Review ?
I operate my business regionaly in large, at the same time my online sales is sequencely growing accross India. I don't measure the worth of my business by the look,popularity or by the money I earn,but by the oppinion of my customers about my company.As on date I have 900+ verified amazing reviews on Goolgle with 5 star rating. It will hit 1000 soon.I consider this as touchstone of my ability as an ambitious entreprenuer.As a token of expressing my gratitude,personally I have replied to each one of reviews in the same platform. Among these 900 + reviews,even there is not a single negative review writtern, less than 2% people have rated below 5 star, where I upfrontly put them in disatisfied customer's category. As a responsible business owner ,I consider these (below 5 star) ratings as an opportunity to work on the weakness of my business and become better.So I reply to them on that point of view. But there are .5% of fake reviews generated not by my competetors but by some anti JOSECO elements. I maintain a precise record of any one entering my premise (visitor,customer or any other) this system which we strictly follow helps us to identify fake reviews. But as a matured entreprenuer I feel that it is my capability to reply them too, through the same platform. Here I give a sample of my reply to fake review.
"Sir/mam,as a part of my responsibility, I MD @ JOSECO,investigated our records pertaining to our customers and visitors. But I found that your profile dosen't match to any. We the JOSECO consider costomer's as well visitor's oppinion as the steering force of our business.So I coax you to contact us through our toll free xxxxxxxx if you wish. We are happy to assist you.
To conclude, from my point of view I say that, if we reply even to fake reviews,it will send a message to the large number of wellwishers following us that, we are open to any kind of constructive criticism. This will in turn build our brand image further.