Dressing it up won't make it work
I saw her in Valencia on the beach and asked if I could take a picture.
Isn't the dog cute?
I'm not sure the dress is really "her", though...
It was yet another couple taking wedding photos, I met them almost every night when going jogging on the beach.
Anyway, for some reason, it reminded me of greenwashing.
Greenwashing is just another example that it kind of backfires if you don't do the job properly, as quite a few banks found out with recent regulations. Funny enough, the banks who have the best systems didn't need the regulator to ask them to implement them - they actually did it themselves way ahead of the regulator getting the idea and made a healthy profit from the information they got that nobody else had.
Well, sometimes "change" may be work, and may be annoying, but it can also turn out to be a synonym for "innovation", which is the lifeblood of any business.
The change to environmental sustainability isn't much different, which is shown by the example of a Japanese beverage company that already started 20 years ago to buy woodlands to manage and protect their water supply. They are way ahead of their competition, one of whom now declare in their own water disclosure report that they have a sizeable risk from water shortages. I believe the presentation I recently saw (July 23) said something of a quarter of a billion USD potential impact.
Anyway, the picture reminded me that at the time we were recording the G10-Mastermind series, which was a free introduction series to the G10 Mastermind 10 days later. It focuses mostly on change management in organizations and what NOT to do but also gives a few tips of what has worked in my experience.
Feel free to check it out on Youtube here.