Why should I have my own Jam? (And why should I start it today?!)
PETE: Hi. Today I’m going to talk about the most important value that sits at the heart of Jam… how creators can get value from using Jam as a new way to talk to their communities. And… perhaps most importantly, why now.
Of course all good arguments come in threes… and the reasons for becoming a creator on Jam are no exception.
First up… Jam helps you deepen your relationships with existing audiences. Listeners tell us that Jams feel more personal than video or text — audio is unique in this way, we mostly listen alone, and when a creator is talking directly to you, it feels like a 1 on 1 conversation. There’s no distraction of video, no interviewer/interviewee dynamic where it feels like you’re listening in on someone else’s conversation… And the brevity helps to convey simple, memorable messages… so many people tell me how they recall precisely the content of an individual Jam in a way that is much harder to do with longer formats.
Of course relationships aren’t much use, or going to last very long, if they’re only one-way and introducing ways for listeners to respond back to creators is something we’re excited about bringing to Jam and I expect we’ll have news on the first feature supporting this very soon.
The next reason why creators should try Jam is much more practical… it’s just so easy. Jams… by definition… are just a minute… okay just a few minutes… long. As we’ve talked about here before… all you need is a phone to record a Jam, so the overhead of studios, microphones, sound-proofing, editing software…. they all disappear. Let alone cameras and green screens! Phone microphones (when used as designed) work great and we use AI-based audio enhancement to make them sound better. So not only are Jams themselves shorter, but the time to create a Jam — from the moment you sit down to think about what to say, to the time it’s live and available to listen… is exponentially shorter, and the time to from idea -> live Jam is so much faster.
If you’re not sold already, reason number three and here’s the kicker and the most important reason for starting now and not waiting… Short audio will be a thing. You can’t look at the evolution of digital content formats over the last 10 years and not conclude that audio is an outlier and it’s only a matter of time before a short audio platform is successful. (And —by the way —if you disagree with that statement, please please text me back so we can chat and I can understand your skepticism… it can only help us!)
We're determined that?Jam will be the breakthrough platform that brings creators and listeners together in the short audio format. And for creators… the first-mover advantage to creators is well documented from other platforms. Early creators get the white glove treatment, I and the team will literally help you to sound great — it’s in all of our interests! … as we scale, you’ll get the visibility on and off the platform, in onboarding playlists and as others talk about us … and that means you’ll accrue audiences sooner, and faster — which of course will compound over time. The earliest creators also get early access to subscription and other monetization opportunities as we build them. And yes… those may not be so far away.
So… if you’re not convinced, please tell me why — I’d love to learn — and hear — where the hesitation is. If you’re ready to record your own, or think your company or friend or neighbor or dog or… well anyone you know should be Jamming, then great… I’ll help you to get started. There’s a link to our new creator form in the notes. Or just text back.